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bug - EFX & width (+timing issue)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:31 pm
by GGGss
Reacting on a post from an other forum user... I stumbled on this minor issue: width within EFX
(trying to understand the other one's problem - parallel vs serial vs asymmetrical)

To keep it simple in debug, I created a fixture with only 16b PAN.
in EFX in ABSOLUTE mode: the EFX parameter 'width' stands for 2x the width in real life <- BUG ? (width 10 = reference position - 10 and + 10 -> equals a width of 20)
real life == FROM (real-life reference - width) TO (real-life reference + width) - you'd expect 1/2 width from reference

in EFX in RELATIVE mode: works the same (effective window == 2x the setup width) but have a look at the timing issue here ... (and the end-value of the fine channel != the full 255b resolution) [edit: ONLY 127 fine value here ??)
Win10 - latest build - jadiejadiejadie processor and GPU - believe me ... powerful computer = Intel i7 NUC + GPU & 32Gb whistels and SSD 512Gb HD blowers...
(I believe it only counts to 127 in fine channels and the rest of 127 -> 255 is pause)

now comes the thingy - serial mode on
One would expect that in serial you get like a fan base action - that is 1 goes, 2 follows retarded, 3 and 4 and so on...
Seems that the serial-setting in an EFX is doing it's thingy - but not expected to end up with negative values vs 'the window we set up' ... this is lighting chaos in real life...
Channel 2 and 4 ends in 'negative'-relative values <- Wut?
SH_ 2019-11-14 20.4201.png
One would expect that the retarded action would mean they all came to the same end-position @max (so 1 starts (@offset -1/2 width) & goes fastest, 2 starts (@offset-1/2 width) goes fast, 3 starts (@offset-1/2*width) goes normal and 4 starts (@offset-1/2 width) & slow but they all end at the X-offset + 1/2*width) <- NOT
With EFX option 'LINE2' that is ... since this debug report I kept it simple = only PAN

[edit: to keep it simple I only used a fixture with pan here - fixture: oh crap ... have to zip the thingy] ... FTQMa?dl=0 <- project & fixture - copy to respective locations please