Submasters for different channels

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Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:46 pm
Real Name: Pieter Schutz

Feature request: Give submasters the option which channels they controll. So you can add a genereic dimmer, red, blue and green submaster (and gobo/color etc for other fixtures). Only influencing the selected scenes in the frame.


I think I figured out what I want.

First I made copies of all scenes, For every par I have a scene for the dimmer, one for tred, one for green and one for blue.
Then I made 4 frames. each containing a button for each par. One frame all dimmer scenes, second all red etc.
I added a submaster fader to each frame.
Then I bound the same button on my midi controller to the same number button in each frame.
So midi button 1-1 is bound to dimmer1, red1, green1 and blue1 etc.
then I placed all buttons in the red, green and blue frame on top of each other under the fader, effectively only showing the fader.

I can select fixtures with my midi controller, and see which I selected in my dimmer frame.
The different faders now ech set a different propertyy of the selected fixtures.

Win :D
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The submaster feature is not ment to be used in that matter.
If you production grows you will not target every individual fixture anymore. You will start working in groups of make/model.
If you want to do something fancy with your red channels you add like a sine EFX with min/max values. To be sure that the total intensity stays under the set preset, there is the submaster for all intensities of all fixtures in that group...

IMHO submaster are there to influence the general look of the venue / stage. I use it merely to set a base sphere or to dim the very bright ones vs not so bright ones. I almost never include intensities inside scenes ... they all are @100%.
Other use of a submaster is to be sure that LED fixtures behave like incandescent bulbs (very low intensities f.i.) without changing channel modifiers...
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Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:46 pm
Real Name: Pieter Schutz

Correction, my method does not work. Because deselecting the scene also disables it. That is of course to be exected.

But to come back to my point. I don;t need fancy things. I just need to select a scene and set it's properties. The scene can either be 1 ficture or multiple, but creating a scene from seperate fixtures/groups is a very regular process for me.
1.Set focus (profile/top/side)
2. Set front/scene/total
3. Set atmosphere with moodlight/backlight.
My teachers always called this process painting with lights. There's probably different way to do it, and I appreciate that different ways need different approaches. But comming from a theatre background this is the way I've learned it, and always done it.

Maybe the term submasters is not what I'm looking for, although that's what I would think the proper name is.
But a fader to adjust the different properties of selected scenes in a group is not that weird imo.
Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:46 pm
Real Name: Pieter Schutz

I just downloaded the v5 beta.
That seems to do exactly what I want. Select a few fixtures. Set their properties. select a group. Set those.
Store as a scene.
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