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Some help for submasters

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:43 pm
by Eldin

I currently using this in a small theatre, but I've hit a snag I hope you can help me find a solution to.

I have the following. Around 30 led-par's with 4 different channels:
1. dimmer
2-4 RGB

To create the scenes I would like to be able to
1. select a few,
2. adjust the RGB and intensity channels just for the selected ones
3. select some other ones.
I prefer to do this from the virtual console. Like a button array, use some sliders for the values, then select some different ones. Is there any way this is possible with QLC+?
It seems subasters always control all the channels in the scene selected so I don;t see how to do this...
Any help?

Re: Some help for submasters

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:32 am
by mlohrey
Hi Eldin,

I am not sure what you mean.

You said you use QLC+ for theatre work. Do you need help to create Scenes using the 30 LEDs that will be used in a cuelist in a show or are you planning on running all your lighting 'live' making a selections and adjustments as you go?

There are lots of options depending on your usage. You might like to look the 'click and go' options in the slider properties and experiment with them.

Re: Some help for submasters

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:46 am
by Eldin

What I want to do is create different scenes to use in a cuelist. Preferably using sliders and buttons.
Buttons to select which fixtures, sliders to adjust intensity and color.
So usually a scene consists of different fixtures at different settings. I would like to be able to select a few, modify their parameters, select a few others, modify their parameters.

I would like to be able to do this from the virtual console, because that let's me map the buttons and sliders to my midi controller.

Hope that clears it up?

Re: Some help for submasters

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:28 am
by GGGss
That would require that you create a pre-OP QLC+ VC environment.
With all fixtures and their controls on it (it will be huge !)
Then when you like the look you are getting - press dump DMX. This creates a scene with all values in it.
But now you have a problem... you cannot export those scenes because you will need them in the production-OP VC environment...
I know...
This is where v5 will excel ;-)

Submaster only influence controls which are inside the frame the submaster is in... So if you have RGB inside the frame where the submaster is - it will effect all channels.
(I use submasters to influence only intensity channels f.i.)

Re: Some help for submasters

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:23 am
by Eldin
I think I figured out what I want.

First I made copies of all scenes, For every par I have a scene for the dimmer, one for tred, one for green and one for blue.
Then I made 4 frames. each containing a button for each par. One frame all dimmer scenes, second all red etc.
I added a submaster fader to each frame.
Then I bound the same button on my midi controller to the same number button in each frame.
So midi button 1-1 is bound to dimmer1, red1, green1 and blue1 etc.
then I placed all buttons in the red, green and blue frame on top of each other under the fader, effectively only showing the fader.

I can select fixtures with my midi controller, and see which I selected in my dimmer frame.
The different faders now ech set a different propertyy of the selected fixtures.

Win :D

Feature request (will also post) Give submasters the option which channels they controll. So you can add a genereic dimmer, red, blue and green submaster (and gobo/color etc for other fixtures). Only influencing the selected scenes in the frame.

Re: Some help for submasters

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:48 pm
by mlohrey
Thanks for the extra information.

I use QLC+ primarily for theatre work as well and have experimented with a number of different ways to quickly build scenes for theatre use. Sometimes building a virtual console that allows you to set a scenes can be quite useful but at other times not so much.

I actually find just working in the function manager the easiest and often more precise but I spend some time organising the order of the lights so that they can be easily selected.
I usually do it by organising lights by their location or type. So I might have all the profiles on bar 1 first etc. Each scene I have usually contains every light fixture as well. This means that when I move from cue to cue I don't get unexpected behaviours from a light that might have been set in a previous cue causing issues. It gets a bit trickier with moving heads but everything else is OK.

I have made a short video of the sort of process I might use. It is greatly simplified. The example shows 3 bars of 4 LEDS. ... HbLxLdSLe4

I usually spend some time getting a basic scene set with all fixtures in the order I prefer to work. For me, I have all my single channel profiles etc first and then LEDS and moving heads.

It might help give you some ideas.


Sample Workspace.qxw
(9.73 KiB) Downloaded 28 times

Re: Some help for submasters

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:02 pm
by Eldin
Turned out my idea was not so good.

I seriously miss being able to additively program in QLC.

Just select some, set properties. Select others, set their properties, up untill I'm finished and save that to a scene.
From the functions manager that is not nearly as intuïtive. I would need to create a scene, then manually select some, it;s bothersome compared to, select with buttons, adjust with faders...