Populating Cue List

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Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:03 am
Real Name: Coryz

Forgive if this has been addressed. I searched the forum.
I try to populate the cue list and I can get the first cue but
when I hit the widget to add the next cue, it replaces the first cue.
I've hit every button I can find to add a second cue with no luck.
I must be missing something obvious but I'm at a loss.
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Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

I don't know what you did or how you managed to populate your cuelist with that single scene (I suppose it's a scene).

But I do know that you can only add chasers to cuelists, no other function type is displayed for selection in the properties dialog. And it can only hold one chaser at a time.

Create a dedicated Cue chaser, add the scenes/collections/whatever you want to "cue" to it, and point your cuelist widget to this one. The cuelist will reflect any later changes you make in the chaser editor, so it doesn't matter if you first fill up the chaser or add it in empty state to the cuelist.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:03 am
Real Name: Coryz

Beautiful. That was the answer I was looking for. Thank you greatly.
If I may add one more question here,
Is it possible to skip a cue in the cue list.
I've created a bunch of awesome cues to run in order
but since I'm working on a show without seeing rehearsal,
I'm creating blind.
I've tried to go through the cues hoping to skip one here an there,
but they consistently follow order.
Any help?
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Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

I think you can always double click an entry in the cuelist and the play cursor will go there in programmed fade time (or the time seen in the list, you can actually also set it by using a speed dial controlling the cuelist chaser).

But AFAIK you can't skip a cue when using the manual side crossfader. You'll have to use the mouse and double click the target cue.

BTW in my experience Plasma/KDE5 behaves differently, I just single click/select a list entry and playback goes to that cue, which is fine with me, i actually prefer this even if it's a bit risky in a live situation.

But If by chance you use KDE5 and prefer double click, if I remember correctly the fix is to change ui/src/virtualconsole/vccuelist.cpp (line 178 in current GIT):

Code: Select all

    connect(m_tree, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),
            this, SLOT(slotItemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*)));

to this:

Code: Select all

    connect(m_tree, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),
            this, SLOT(slotItemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
(Maybe this would be worth a desktop dependent handler in code, or a config option somewhere, but OTOH nobody using QLC+v4 seems to have a problem with it...)
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