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Starting completely over, some Enttec advice needed

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:09 am
by Misstr524
So I’ve decided to completely restart my project. I am using 9 WS2812B led strips cut to different lengths. I have a power supply for each one. I am using the Enttec Pixel Octo which runs 8 DMX universes. I will only be using 7 - 1180 pixels, 170 pixels per universe, with one universe of only 40.
My questions are:
1)As far as I understand from my reading and research, the Enttec device I’m using also acts as the DMX driver/converter so I do not need any additional hardware correct? Such as a DMX-spi converter.
2) if we have the strips daisy chained together with 3 pin connectors, with the first one hooked into the Pixel Octo, it will automatically assign the addresses even if a new universe starts mid-strip correct? (I will have the first four universes in output 1 and the remaining 3 in output 2)
3) can I have fixtures from different universes in the same fixture group?
Note: I’ve added the strips as Generic RGBs (GRB order as specified in the lights instructions) and just added 170 at a time.
4) Can anyone tell me why there is two Ethernet ports in the Pixel Octo - one labeled IN and one labeled THROUGH. Will I need them both? I’m assuming it’s for linking similar devices together? Which I don’t need to do.

Of course I decided to do all this on a Saturday so not getting any answers from the manufacturers or sellers so hoping to get some here. Thank you