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Flickering issue with looping midi

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 11:24 pm
by rholbrook
OS: Windows 10
QLC+ Version: 4.12.1
USB to DMX: Lixda DMXUSB-512 (uDMX)
DAW: Ableton 10
Other software: LOOPmidi

Issue: When sending repeated or looping midi, my lights currently flicker or drop instead of staying solid. There is no gap int he midi, it should be seen as the note being turned off and back on again instantly. If the note is simply long, it stays on, but once it loops back over, it will sometimes drop out for a brief moment. The flicker is erratic and unpredictable. It is almost as though it is "dropping frames" so to speak.

Signal path is Ableton -> LOOPmidi -> QLC+ -> USB to DMX

Troubleshooting so far:
1) This occurs on multiple types and brand of lights, and on every channel
2) I was using LoopBE instead of LOOPmidi before, issue persists with both
3) Issue persists with QLC+ 5 as well
4) Issue is present in Freestyler, but isn't NEARLY as bad. It flickers on maybe 1% of the notes. In QLC+ it is flickering maybe 10+% of the time.

Observations: In the Virtual Console I've created, slider jumps up and down with each note, very rapidly (which is no real shock). Throughput on Loopmidi is consistent, and does not fluctuate. When all lights have the same pattern going to them, they all flicker at the same time (this was not the case with Freestyler). I found one thread that was never updated by someone who has what sounds like the same issue I am having (viewtopic.php?f=29&t=11831&p=50629&hili ... idi#p50629)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can work around this for most of the effects I'm planning on using, but how I implement fades requires a series of fast notes (1/32nd notes) and automating velocity in ableton.

Re: Flickering issue with looping midi

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:36 am
by InversionOfControl
I have the same issue, with only one kind of light, so far: The Stairville LED-Bar with 8 segments.
Often only the first segment flickers, but sometimes the whole bar changes color for a fraction of a second.

I also experience this while looping Midi, but it's also flickering, when Midi is turned off completely. So it's definetely an issue of QLC+.

If you find anything that works, tell me, I'm desperate as well :-p