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Sequence broken (BlendMode="Additive")

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:15 pm
by CoS2000
Hey there,

yesterday i had my event, that i have every 6 monts.

In this i Event is a sequence that i use multiple time at the evening.

This sequence controls 6 Moving heads in the room. In the last years i never had a problem with this sequence. In the preparation phase i tested the sequence and it worked fine. Then i want to test it again (without changing anything) and it was total broken: moving heads flicker and moving to positions never defined in the sequence steps. The sequence steps seems ok, but when i play it, QLC+ make things that not defined in the sequence-steps!

I saved my workspace (under a new name "6.qxw") and restart computer. I thought there are any problems with my USB/DMX Device (Enttec Pro). After restart i load the workspace and test it again, same issue - total broken shit!

I used QLC+ Ver.!

OK i thought i use another laptop with QLC +, because i used it last time (before 6 months) and all works fine. I loaded workspace, but sequence was broken too. Then i loaded a older workspace and it runs fine.

At LIVE i used the sequence in a cue-list in live mode. First run - All fine - Second run: Broken again (without changing - i was live and never changed everything).

Now at home i compared the differences between an old workspace and the workspace where it gets broken (open Workspace in Text-Editor and reading xml-code). The sequence steps are the same in all 2 workspaces - found no difference. Same Steps, Same boundet Scenes, same channels all correct.

Later i found a difference - the new version of workspace (6.qxw) use another attribute in the hidden-scene bound on this sequence: BlendMode="Additive". All other (minutes older) versions of my workspace doesnt have this attribute on the hidden scene.

So my questions:

1. What means BlendMode="Additive"
2. Why QLC added it itself after playing this sequence 1 time without changing any data (even in live mode)
3. How can i prevent QLC+ adding this?

i use hundret hidden scenes in this workspace - NO ONE use this attribute, only the hidden scene bounded to the sequence thats broken now.

Can somebody helps?


P.S.: Used windows 7 on both laptops where i tested it

Re: Sequence broken (BlendMode="Additive")

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:33 am
by GGGss
Between versions there was a change how sequences were handled.
Old project file versions should be converted - viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11062&p=47687
I did not check you QLC+ version versus the changed behavior...

Re: Sequence broken (BlendMode="Additive")

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:57 pm
by CoS2000
The original Save was created with 4.11.1 before 6 months - In this original File where NO BlendMode="Additive" in the XML Code.

Before 2 Days i used and after i played the CueList in LIVE Mode 1 Time, QLC added BlendMode="Additive" to the Hidden Scene Bound to this Sequence!

Steps 2 Reproduzce:

1. Add a Sequence to a Cue-List in Virutal Console
2. Go Live and Play the Cue-List 1 Times
3. Stop Live Mode and Save the Workspace

This Steps didnt work everytime to reproduce!

QLC (Version - which is one of the newest) then adds BlendMode="Additive" to the Hidden Scene bounded to the Sequence that you played in the cue-list! I changed no values, i only played it in a cue-list in live mode! After that the whole sequence was broken!

This isnt a "old project file" that i used. I started to work with QLC long times after changing the save files! My first QLC Version was 4.11.1!

But what means BlendMode="Additive" and how can i prevent that QLC (in this case 4.12.39) adds this to the hidden scene without my doing?

Re: Sequence broken (BlendMode="Additive")

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:43 pm
by CoS2000
I found out, that the additive Blendmode used in RGB Matrix. But i have a Sequence (created in sequence editor - i never used RGB matrix), used in a Cue List Control. When i go live, play the Cue List, all works fine. When i play it a second time, its broken. When i save the workspace, that QLC added "Blendmode=Additive" to the scene bound on the sequence...

Here a demonstration from a squence, once played in cue list and save:

Code: Select all

<Function ID="2" Type="Scene" Name="New Scene" Hidden="True" BlendMode="Additive">
   <Speed FadeIn="0" FadeOut="0" Duration="0"/>
   <FixtureVal ID="7">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0,8,0,9,0,10,0,11,0,12,0,13,0,14,0,15,0</FixtureVal>
   <FixtureVal ID="6">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0,8,0,9,0,10,0,11,0,12,0,13,0,14,0,15,0</FixtureVal>
   <FixtureVal ID="2">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
   <FixtureVal ID="3">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
   <FixtureVal ID="4">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
   <FixtureVal ID="5">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
  <Function ID="3" Type="Sequence" Name="Lichtlauf Links" Path="Lichtlaeufe" BoundScene="2">
   <Speed FadeIn="0" FadeOut="0" Duration="0"/>
   <SpeedModes FadeIn="PerStep" FadeOut="PerStep" Duration="PerStep"/>
   <Step Number="0" FadeIn="0" Hold="100" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,126,1,86,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,15,1,237,2,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="1" FadeIn="0" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,126,1,86,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,15,1,237,2,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="2" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,127,1,80,2,255,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,11,1,239,2,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="3" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,126,1,86,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,6,1,240,2,255,6,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="4" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,125,1,92,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,6,1,240,2,255,6,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="5" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,123,1,102,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,6,1,240,6,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="6" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,119,1,116,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="7" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,110,1,124,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="8" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,76,1,126,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="9" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,55,1,122,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="10" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,46,1,114,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="11" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,42,1,103,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="12" FadeIn="3000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,41,1,93,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
   <Step Number="13" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,39,1,86,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35,8,255</Step>
   <Step Number="14" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,2,255,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,79,2,36,8,255,9,255</Step>
   <Step Number="15" FadeIn="4000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,73,2,51,8,255,9,255</Step>
   <Step Number="16" FadeIn="3000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61,8,255:7:0,72,2,64,8,255,9,255</Step>
   <Step Number="17" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,53,8,255,9,255:7:0,72,2,72,8,255,9,255</Step>
   <Step Number="18" FadeIn="4000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,75,2,36,8,255,9,255:7:0,72,2,72,8,255</Step>
   <Step Number="19" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,2,255,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,77,2,30,8,255,9,255:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="20" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,38,1,79,2,255,6,127,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27,8,255,9,127:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="21" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,39,1,82,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,80,2,24,8,255:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="22" FadeIn="4000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,42,1,91,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="23" FadeIn="3000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,46,1,103,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="24" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,53,1,114,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="25" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,78,1,122,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="26" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,110,1,122,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="27" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,114,1,116,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="28" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,122,1,110,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="29" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,124,1,99,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="30" FadeIn="5000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,84,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="31" FadeIn="0" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,84,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,2,255,6,255,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="32" FadeIn="6000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,72,2,255,6,255,7,175:5:0,14,1,231,2,255,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
   <Step Number="33" FadeIn="0" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,72,7,175:5:0,14,1,231,2,255,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
Now i read about the "improvement" of cuelists in viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12887
It would simplify my life if there could be one single fader and no options at all. The proposal is:
- one single fader with the blue / orange indication on top and bottom of the fader. This would indicate from which to which step you will crossfade.
- linked option always active. No more "unbalanced" crossfades
- blended mode always active
Can this be the Problem? What means "blended mode always active"?

Re: Sequence broken (BlendMode="Additive")

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:20 pm
by GGGss
I remember that Massimo released a test version (newer than the official of course) to overcome this problem... Try that one or revert to the old version you created your project with.