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Is there a way to do this with a button in a solo frame?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:44 pm
by arretx
In a solo frame, when we click a button, it becomes the focus. If we click it again, it turns off and no buttons are active.

Is there a way to setup a button such that it cannot be turned off except by clicking a different button in that same solo frame?

Sort of like the only way to turn off a function is to turn on another function.

Re: Is there a way to do this with a button in a solo frame?

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:03 am
by yokosuna
You have to place your button inside a frame. Use loopback channels to disable the frame when the function
starts running. Bit tricky.
See my sample.
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Re: Is there a way to do this with a button in a solo frame?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:39 pm
by arretx
I was envisioning some sort of need for loopback in this scenario. Thanks. I'll have a look and see how it can work with our setup.

Re: Is there a way to do this with a button in a solo frame?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:52 pm
by arretx the Solo frame first, then each button inside of its own frame INSIDE of the solo frame.

So now I'm trying to figure out your function setup.

You have a "dimmer 2" which I supposed could be any one or multiple combinations of channels (i.e. RGBA + Shutter + Master), and you have a "fixture" for each button's frame that locks the frame.

Is the value of the On/Off checkmark on the inside frames boolean? I see that Lock#1 and Lock#2 in scene 0 are both set to 2 on the slider, and in the other scene they're both set to 3, then you have feedback checked off on a MIDI plugin (3:).

I'm a bit lost on what is triggering the frame checkmarks to be active or inactive.


So I modified the setup, removing Lock#2 fixture and making Lock#1 fixture a 2-channel fixture. Then I removed Lock#2 from each scene, and made sure that Lock#1 was on both scenes.

What I'm seeing is that I need to create a fixture that has as many channels in it as I have buttons in my solo frame, then just use the sliders on those channels to enable or disable the frames like a really long dip-switch.

My only sticking point is why the values are either 2 or 3 and not 1 and 2 for the on/off for each frame's checkbox. Thanks!

Re: Is there a way to do this with a button in a solo frame?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 2:55 am
by arretx
One major problem with this setup. Unless there's a way to solve it, if the functions have fades built into them, the loopback won't work. If I kill all of the fades on the scenes and do a hard cut, they all work...

Is there a way around this?

Re: Is there a way to do this with a button in a solo frame?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:09 am
by mlohrey
What is it that you want to achieve with your lighting?
Maybe upload your workspace

The simplest solution is not to click the button. ;-)