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multiple USB Midi Controller / Controller with huge amount of faders

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:26 pm
by sebhoff
Hi Community.
Thanks Massimo for great work.

At the moment I'm using 30 LED Pars, 24 Dimmer Packs and in future maybe 10 Moving Heads with QLC+ 4.12 and AKAI APC Mk2 on a Desktop System (Windows)

However I want to change to a Raspberry-PI DMX System. but I have a few Questions about MIDI USB Controller:

- how many USB Midi Controllers can be useed at the same time?
I Want to buy 3-4 additional AKAI midiMIX so I would use 1x APC MK2 and 3-4 Akai midiMIX in total
- Is the AKAI midiMIX supported?

If it's not possible, whats the biggest DMX USB Controller you would recommend?

OR would you use a Midi only console (non usb) and route the signal through other Controllers until it gets to qlc+ via USB.

Thanks in advance..


Re: multiple USB Midi Controller / Controller with huge amount of faders

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:03 pm
by GGGss
The most bang (knobs) for a buck would be the Elation Midicon-2 €850... but you are talking about faders...
A bunch of BFC's connected to each other in midi mode?

Re: multiple USB Midi Controller / Controller with huge amount of faders

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:46 am
by cyclooctane
Personally I am using 3 Novation launch control XL units
Gives 24 faders, 72 knobs and a whole pile of buttons.
I have in the past used the 3 launch control XL's and a launch pad all at the same time.

The most number of faders I have ever run was when I linked an Behringer X32 to QLC+ and used it as a midi controller :)
Linking a sound desk to QLC+ is a really expensive way to go though when there is so many midi only controllers out there.
I only did it cause a venue I was at had a spare one and I wanted to experiment :D :D

While I can't vouch for the AKAI midiMIX cause I have never used it, I know for sure that QLC+ is capable of taking midi input from multiple different devices at the same time.
The trick is to patch them to the input channels of different universes.
Then use the external input "auto detect" button to assign them (mostly cause I am lazy and doing that is the easiest method I am aware of)
