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Load QLC+ via NOOB?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:34 pm
by fronk
First post.
New to QLC+ and to Raspberry Pi.

Old hand at many forums, so hopefully will not immediately commit a faux-pas - or worse.
I have pirated a similar QLC+ fixture profile to "make my own"...

My experience with the Pi amounts to putting my B+ into the red and white case, and inserting the NOOB card.
No power, no keyboard, no mouse, no monitor.
Call it no linux, though I have followed cookbook instructions to update my router...
I do have 30+ years programming in other languages, beginning with FORTRAN, so I believe i"m still trainable.

Now, I have already searched the forum for the term "noob". Returns all had to do with inexperienced users.

So, my very basic question is whether I can use NOOB to create a QLC+ environment on a Pi.
I'm assuming I would use the version QLC+ packaged with Debian, vs just the QLC image.

Am I wasting my time looking in this direction?