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Using midi keyboard to trigger lights for live band

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:37 pm
by hollywood
Hi folks,

I've been working on a framework for using a midi keyboard (or footswitch) to trigger lighting changes in the QLC+ Virtual Console for a live band application. The midi "program change" selects the song (Solo Frame page 1-99) and each note selects a button (1-50 plus 8 global buttons) on that page's Virtual Console.

The main obstacle was that songs (Solo Frame pages) couldn't be re-ordered in QLC v412, so I wrote a custom VB program to do just that. There are a few naming conventions you have to follow for everything to work, but you also get the benefit of having the button scripts renamed to match the re-ordered songs.

If you're into using QLC+ in this manner and would like more info, just drop me an email. I can send you a blank workspace file that will save you loads of time entering midi data...

PS: Thanks for the great DMX software Massimo!

Using midi to control DMX lighting...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:29 am
by hollywood