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Python scripts to generate Cue List/Shows

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:56 am
by sgrobinson
As a techie (But new to lighting) - I thought I'd try and script some things to make my life easier. These were created for theatre performances that don't need someone to "make up" light shows as we go along and they can all be pre-programmed.

I present... (Still very much a working progress, but. They work and we all have to start somewhere!)

Generates XML that can be put in the .qxw file that produces a 'master' cue list based on a CSV file of cue's.
Specify fade type and functions, and it will build a single cue list along with any required collections.

Generates XML that can be put in the .qxw that produces a show based on a CSV file of cue's.
Specify timecode, duration and functions, and it will build the entire show for you.

I hope this proves useful to just someone. I did have fun making them and will be using them myself in the future. Feedback appreciated!

* NB - This involves editing the .qxw in a text editor or similar. If you're not comfortable doing this and/or are new to it, I'd suggest giving these a miss of the time being. They're more suited for someone who knows what they are doing!

Re: Python scripts to generate Cue List/Shows

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:00 am
by Franzen
Yes! This is just what i need!! I don’t have any experience with python though - would you maybe wanna do a run-down of how to set this up?
I would really appreciate it!
Thank you so much

Re: Python scripts to generate Cue List/Shows

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:50 pm
by sgrobinson
Franzen wrote: Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:00 am Yes! This is just what i need!! I don’t have any experience with python though - would you maybe wanna do a run-down of how to set this up?
I would really appreciate it!
Thank you so much
I can point you in the right direction - Let me know how you get on with this...

* Installing/Setting up python

* Installing additional libraries/modules (From memmory, you will need to install click and mutagen.mp3. So "pip install click mutagen.mp3" ... -pip-usage

* Running the scripts ... r/examples
Take a look at the examples there and run them in a command prompt. These scripts have no GUI.
Hopefully they'll produce obvious errors that you'll need to fix in your CSV or QLC file.