"Clone Fixture with related functions" feature

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Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:20 am
Real Name: Ladonin Daniil

Hello everybody.
I would like to have feature of cloning fixtures with related functions. Will try to describe, how it can be and why it's interesting:
1. Start show from scratch
2. Add 1 fixture with address XXX
3. Create simple functions (scenes) (color, gobo, beam, intensity)
4. Clone this fixture WITH related functions (scenes) (which I made in step 3) on address YYY
(4a) or use advanced clone for multiple fixtures with address YYY, ZZZ, AAA, BBB, CCC, etc.
5. On next step of programming show use collections (F1gobo1, F2gobo1, F1color1, F2color2, etc.)
I think, it can be great advance of programming show from scratch. Little time delay of programming simple functions (scenes) for one fixture, then cloning all this stuff for another fixture(s) and finally using collections for complex CUEs (for example: 6 fixtures of same type, need 4 different colors, 2 different gobos and 6 different focus - all this can be stored in collection)
I'm starting of using collections in my work setup now, but it's really boring to clone functions (scenes) manually
With best regards, DJ_Ladonin
Using QLC 4.12+Macbook Pro+EnttecPro+Nanokontrol 2
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