Prism handling

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while testing, I wanted to try the handling of prisms in some fixtures, but I don't see any button to activate it.

Is it planned, or had you forgot about it ?
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If you mean in the previews, it's not handled yet
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Yes, I understand that, but I don't see any button to activate/deactivate it.

Anyway, if it's not yet handled, I'll wait for it.
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nilsvanzuijlen wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 10:46 am Yes, I understand that, but I don't see any button to activate/deactivate it.
What are you talking about ?
You have a Scene editor where you can move the prism channel. Same as QLC+ 4
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The only place I am able to change the prism value is in the DMX View, and I can not see what it is doing (no description of the current value), see first snapshot.

In any other view, there is not a single editor for prism value, see second snapshot. By the way, I didn't find the scene editor.
Sidebar when the same fixture is selected
Sidebar when the same fixture is selected
DMX View
DMX View
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nilsvanzuijlen wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:39 pm ... and I can not see what it is doing (no description of the current value), see first snapshot.
That is because the fixture definition file (or the manual) does not explain what a certain value does.
and no ... you cannot see in preview what the prism effect does.
(in real life a prism devides your main beam into 3 or 5 or multiple sub-beams)
(in real life some prism channel values can let the prism rotate ... so you get a 5 beam upward motion effect f.i.)

...edit... if you look at the manual it states that:
ch (8) (11) values
0-19 off
20 - 79 rotating CCW fast to slow
80 - 89 no rotation
90 - 149 rotation CW fast to slow
150 - 215 no rotation

and from 216 on some macros ... whatever they do - No idea???
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Nils, you need to understand that QLC+ 5 is a work in progress. Reporting issues like this at this stage is pretty much useless.
I know many things are still missing, but I'm not that stupid so that I "forgot" about them.

1- there is no "prism tool" and probably never will
2- there is no tooltip yet of what a channel value does. This is planned
3- the Scene editor is there, you just need to find it. See screenshot
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First, merry christmas.

Second, I may have sounded a bit (or more) harsh in my last posts, it was not my intention. Sorry.

Then, Massimo, thanks for your awesome work, I understand it is not finished yet.
Thank you also for your patience and for showing me where the scene editor is.

Finally, GGGss, I revised that fixture recently, so I know what's in it. While doing it, I remarked that there were no "PrismEffectOnRotationCounterClockwiseFastToSlow" option in the fixture editor. Because that's what's needed (Yes, it's quite a long preset name... :mrgreen: )

In addition, it would be nice to be able to select the type of prism, if it is a linear or round prism. The Robe MegaPointe has that.
And in some recent fixtures, there are two stackable prisms, but it would be a real headache to implement that.

Nils Van Zuijlen
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