Scene as Mask? or: How to use a Pattern in Matrix Wash as Mask?

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Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:40 pm
Real Name: Ingo Müller

Hello there!
I've got another question.
I'm using two Matrix-Wash-Heads each with 9 heads.

So is there any way, that I can save patterns on these 9 heads as a Mask?
For Example (X is on - O is off):

Code: Select all


Otherwise I have to save each pattern for each color. This would be a lot of scenes - which I would like to avoid. ;)

Greetings from germany,
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Real Name: Ingo Müller

So I tried to create a RGB group of just the pixels I want to be off - then I created an RGB-Matrix mask with infinite fade-in.

This works for single shots.
Unfortunally not for chasers, because when I have two of these and want them to fade inside the chaser they fade over white.

Then I tried the same but with an RGB-Matrix with plain color: black. This does not work - I assume because the RGB-value of black is 0,0,0 and the program thinks it doesn't need to change something.

Maybe I'll give a shot to an RGB-Script I write myself...

Or are there any other Ideas how I could get to my target?

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Ever thought about changing your setup to a LTP environment? (Latest Takes Precident)
Using the LTP possibilities you can actually send a black value while other functions are running.

In normal cases HTP is used. If 2 values are present at a certain time the one with the highest value 'wins' (ergo you go through white)
Now - if we change this behaviour to LTP 2 values are present ... if the latest (or newest) is black - well it's going to be black.
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IIRC you can have more matrixes run on the same fixture, and there is a setting for blending mode.
So you can have one matrix run the color patterns, and the other in B/W mode creating the shape.

See blend mode in ... ditor.html

Edit: to create the mask, use Image mode and draw the image in your favorite image editor (gimp/paint/photoshop/...)

Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:40 pm
Real Name: Ingo Müller

thanks for the input.

I'll give a try to the Image-thing with blend mode.
(I create several .png files with 6x3 pixels (two 3x3 fixtures) and paint the pixels I want to be lit black? Right?)

With changing to LTP I think I would have to start completely over. So this would be the last option.

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Real Name: Ingo Müller

so I tried the image-3d-matrix. The first worked like supposed.
All other I created didn't. They won't work as a mask. But there was no option in the image matrix for setting up as a mask.
All options were at the same values...

So I opened the file with a text editor to search for the differences. And really in the first line of the function there was "blend mode = mask" - which was not in the other functions.

I worked around that:
First I choose "text" as matrix effect and set the blend mode to "mask", then I switch to image and load the image.
Like this it works.

I'm happy with how it came out. Just wanted to explain my experience to others who might have the same problem.

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