Channel Group on Virtual Console

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Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:11 pm
Real Name: Joe Ruder


Been trying to do this for about an hour, feeling a bit dumb!

I have channel groups setup and they show up in Simple Desk and work perfectly.
How can I have a slider in Virtual Console attached to a channel group?
I have tried creating a Scene but it does not affect the output.

Thank you in advance....

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Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

Well AFAICS this is not possible...

But if you create a slider in VC and put it into level mode, there's an option "by group..." at the lower right of the level tab - that will select all matching channels of all the fixtures in your workspace that have such a channel.

Not the same as you ask for but it might speed up setting up what you want? you can quickly check/uncheck all unneeded fixtures to get rid of them again for this slider, and if a chosen channel (e.g. amber) is only available for a subset of your fixtures, only these will be part of the slider...

Or you set up some scenes in functions tab, there you can use the channel groups you defined, and make your sliders control these scenes in playback mode...
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:11 pm
Real Name: Joe Ruder

That is what I wound up doing, and it works fine.
It just seems like once you create a channel group it would be available.

Oh well, not a big deal and a pretty easy work around -- thank you, I appreciate the answer.

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Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:30 pm
Real Name: Andrew Pavlin

Looks like it's still the same way. I'm on Linux Mint 19 and QLCplus 4.12.4 (couldn't use the most recent one because my Linux distro doesn't have the newer version of a library QLCplus 4.12.6 uses). The work-around works, but what's the point of creating a custom channel group if it can't be used the same way as the groups inferred from the channel types?
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