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Work-in-Progress Desk; Opinions apreciated

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:31 am
by Krauthaus
Hi there!

I am currently working on a desk for our little light system.

We got:
8 Colorspot 250at
6 Impression 90
6 Tourpix LED Bars
8 Cameo 7/8/12 Flat PAR
2 Strobes
4 SmartMacs
10 Dimmer Channels for Ari/Profiler
APC 40
Windows 10
2 x 22 Touchscreen

This is my first project with QLC+, i just messed around with it and inhaled all the avaiable Information in the Forum and on youtube. (Or at least i tried^^)

Could you take a look at my workplace and give me your opinion? There are multiple windows for every moving head to select fixture groups (all, 1/2 (every second), 2/2 (Every first), Left Side, Mid, Right Side). I just moved them over the ugly action bar, i tab them with my APC-40. Since I got no life show with this I thought it could be really helpful to let some pros take a look on it, maybe I get some good tips for free:D

(There will be times when our sound dude have to use this, so I tried to make it as much user friendly as I could.)

Not finished, some tabbed Windows need to be done. (A bunch of. ^^)
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Re: Work-in-Progress Desk; Opinions apreciated

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:39 am
by Ham
It looks like your show file did not load.

Re: Work-in-Progress Desk; Opinions apreciated

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:44 am
by Krauthaus
Huh, i was very tired when I wrote this, i added it^^ Thanks for the info:)

Re: Work-in-Progress Desk; Opinions apreciated

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:47 am
by Ham
I do lighting design for theater and musical acts. I have a foundation QXW file that has all my fixtures defined and basic functions for all of them. These are collected in a frame that can be easily minimized. Then when I am working up a specific show I copy the foundation and make the specific functions and widgets for the show.

I have included two of these. One is a show (my current show)

Note that the foundation file is NOT my current foundation as I have added several lights and am in the process of moving from WIndows to Raspberry Pi.

Re: Work-in-Progress Desk; Opinions apreciated

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:52 am
by Krauthaus
Thank you very much, I will take a close look at your work:D I try to accomplish a similar thing, I want to get all my lamps for programming on one site, so I can use this one as a foundation for future shows. As I am in a very not professional area (kid-musicals, little concerts, techno-partys, dj-events, usw) I never ever get much Information before the event, or even a setlist. ^^ (Much Improvisation.)

Re: Work-in-Progress Desk; Opinions apreciated

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:55 am
by Ham
My comments on your desk top.

It is comprehensive and well laid out. You have done essentially the same as I have in making a foundation. I expect you will find it difficult to use in a live show. My experience working live, especially when you have not had a lot of rehearsal (or none), like working a band or a dj gig at a party, is that you need no more than ten looks that you hove readily available on the desk. You need the programming capability there, but not on the first page.

I am sure other people manage their shows differently and my way is only one method.

Re: Work-in-Progress Desk; Opinions apreciated

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:00 pm
by Ham
It sounds like we work the same kind of shows.