Help understanding macro behaviour when changing values sent
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:57 am
HI- I am absolutely new to DMX and to QLC.
Using QLC on a Mac (High Sierra 10.13.6), connected to a Philips Selecon PL1 RGBW LED fixture via a USB to DMX dongle.
I have used the PL1 fixture from the QLC library of fixtures, and have also used the 'wizard' to create many 'Presets solo frame' buttons for individual preset colours, a slider 'GM', and a 'Colour macros chaser'. From what the wizard had created, it *seems* like it mainly used one channel on teh fixture - the channel that uses DMS 0-255 values to load a preset colour balance.
The single-colour buttons in the 'Presets solo frame' area all work as expected - click them and the light makes that colour. Talk about a cheap thrill, but for my very first time controlling alight with DMX I was pretty stoked!
But... The macro is really baffling me.
The 'Colour macros chaser' *seems* to use the 'Presets solo frame' items inside of it. Also, the 'Colour macros chaser' has values for 'Fade IN' and 'Fade Out', both set to 1s.
Running the macro does not have results that I expected, in two ways:
1) When changing between colours it is behaving as if a slider must physically travel between positions. So when the macro steps from 'pink' (DMX 68 - 71) to 'blue' (DMX 56 - 59) it must pass through the values for 'light pink' and 'green' to get there. This causes a rapid colour sequence as the values transition across other values. I don't understand why this is the behaviour -because I thought QLC would simply IMMEDIATELY CHANGE the value being sent rather than 'slide to a value'.
Eg signal seems as if it should be sending DMX ...69,69,69,69,57,57,57,57... at a colour change, but it behaves as if it is sending DMX ...69,69,69,66,62,57,57,57,57...
Any help understanding why this is the case would be awesome - as I want it to just CHANGE colours not SLIDE TO another colour.
2) There isn't any fade at all. The light just changes colour, no fade in brightness or any fade between colours. So I am not understanding what the fade value is controlling in the 'Colour macros chaser' editor. I'm only guessing, but maybe it's that the 'fade' behaviour is not actually tied to the 'Intensity' channels for the light? Any input on what those 'fade' settings are actually controlling would be helpful.
Thanks for helping a noob figure it all out!
Using QLC on a Mac (High Sierra 10.13.6), connected to a Philips Selecon PL1 RGBW LED fixture via a USB to DMX dongle.
I have used the PL1 fixture from the QLC library of fixtures, and have also used the 'wizard' to create many 'Presets solo frame' buttons for individual preset colours, a slider 'GM', and a 'Colour macros chaser'. From what the wizard had created, it *seems* like it mainly used one channel on teh fixture - the channel that uses DMS 0-255 values to load a preset colour balance.
The single-colour buttons in the 'Presets solo frame' area all work as expected - click them and the light makes that colour. Talk about a cheap thrill, but for my very first time controlling alight with DMX I was pretty stoked!
But... The macro is really baffling me.
The 'Colour macros chaser' *seems* to use the 'Presets solo frame' items inside of it. Also, the 'Colour macros chaser' has values for 'Fade IN' and 'Fade Out', both set to 1s.
Running the macro does not have results that I expected, in two ways:
1) When changing between colours it is behaving as if a slider must physically travel between positions. So when the macro steps from 'pink' (DMX 68 - 71) to 'blue' (DMX 56 - 59) it must pass through the values for 'light pink' and 'green' to get there. This causes a rapid colour sequence as the values transition across other values. I don't understand why this is the behaviour -because I thought QLC would simply IMMEDIATELY CHANGE the value being sent rather than 'slide to a value'.
Eg signal seems as if it should be sending DMX ...69,69,69,69,57,57,57,57... at a colour change, but it behaves as if it is sending DMX ...69,69,69,66,62,57,57,57,57...
Any help understanding why this is the case would be awesome - as I want it to just CHANGE colours not SLIDE TO another colour.
2) There isn't any fade at all. The light just changes colour, no fade in brightness or any fade between colours. So I am not understanding what the fade value is controlling in the 'Colour macros chaser' editor. I'm only guessing, but maybe it's that the 'fade' behaviour is not actually tied to the 'Intensity' channels for the light? Any input on what those 'fade' settings are actually controlling would be helpful.
Thanks for helping a noob figure it all out!