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How to configure with bitwizard

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:00 am
by mamue
I simply do not understand how to configure the Bitwizard device within QLC+. Is there any documentation explaining why it should be ttyAMA0 as output? Or is that even wrong?
The hardware used is a raspberry 1b with the bitwizard (FT245RL) connected. The Image used is qlcplus_raspbian_stretch_20180410.
I did everything as documented in the dokumentation i found so far ("Q Light Controller+ on the Raspberry Pi2) and some hints in the forum regarding the serial console login.

There are some threads here in this forum describing how to solve problems regarding the raspi3 and bt. But what Input, Output device to use and what Feedback and profile are for is unclear to me. I am a quite experienced unix admin, but when it comes to cables i am lost.
It's not that it is not working - i couldn't test it so far - but i would very much like to know what i am actually doing. So is there any document/video describing how to configure and work with the Bitwizard and QLC+?

Thanks a lot for any helpful comments

Re: How to configure with bitwizard

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:07 am
by mcallegari
hello, with the image you received also a PDF. Please read chapter 4, especially the UART section.
BitWizard is mentioned.
Plus, the bluetooth information you already found.
More info here: ... spberry_pi

Note that you cannot use input AND output at the same time. This is a HW limitation

Re: How to configure with bitwizard

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:42 am
by mamue
it took some time and it didn't work at first try. The software versions and the descriptions do not perfectly match. Anyway, it works. Thanks!