GPIO not showing in outputs menu
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:53 am
Hi, I installed Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and compiled the qlc+ source code onto it. I would like to receive ArtNet then turn on and off relays connected to the GPIO pins of the Pi. When I launch qlcplus from ssh with it tells me As a result the option to output via GPIO is not found in the "Configuration" tab of the web interface. Am I missing something? is the plugin not installed correctly? Is the plugin actually called something else? Let me know if you have any ideas! Any help is appreciated.
PS: Massimo great job with this project! I'm a huge fan.
- Simone
Code: Select all
--web --nogui -plugin gpio
Code: Select all
No such plugin for spec "gpio"
PS: Massimo great job with this project! I'm a huge fan.
- Simone