fixture that hangs on stage

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Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:53 pm
Real Name: salvatore ivan

hello all my name is ivan I would like to ask for help for a problem that I can not give me reason for reply, I have a problem with a fixture, practically when I use it individually works fine but when I insert it in a scene with more fixtures it does not respond more correctly or rather it does not work, of the same fixture I have more machines but only one gives me this problem from what can it depend? thank you so much.

carrying out cross-tests the lighthouse (the fixture), if I move it to an address of his twin lighthouse responds very well, and as if the software does not record the scenes all that goes on that range of dmx addresses, please help me what can I do do? maybe an installation error? a bug? Do I have to delete everything and reinstall?
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Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:03 am
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Real Name: Lukas

Hey Ivan,

investigating such an issue will be very difficult. This could be anything and nothing.. A good first point would be to share your workspace file and any custom fixture definitions, in addition to a detailed explanation what exactly is going wrong with which fixture in the workspace.
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