Button-combination as External Input
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 12:13 am
hey Guys!
To solve a Problem in my newest Project, it would be absolute great, to get the possebility to use a combination of two buttons (or one Button and one Rotary encoder) as an external input. We allready have this feature, but just for the Keyboard-Inputs) for example this would allow me, to use a single rotary encoder (and three buttons) to change the fade-in, fade-out and the actual time for one animation.. because by holding the button down, i would give the encoder a different function. i really hope to see this feature later! would safe a lot of space on my midi-controller
thanks alot!
Great work as usual!
To solve a Problem in my newest Project, it would be absolute great, to get the possebility to use a combination of two buttons (or one Button and one Rotary encoder) as an external input. We allready have this feature, but just for the Keyboard-Inputs) for example this would allow me, to use a single rotary encoder (and three buttons) to change the fade-in, fade-out and the actual time for one animation.. because by holding the button down, i would give the encoder a different function. i really hope to see this feature later! would safe a lot of space on my midi-controller
thanks alot!
Great work as usual!