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Enttec DMX

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 7:24 am
by djtommye
I don’t see any USB connection options in the Input/Output section of QLCPlus interface. I see Artnet, GPIO, etc. am I missing something? I’m using an Entyec DMX Pro.


Re: Enttec DMX

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:56 am
by mcallegari
GOIO ? Kissing something ? Entyec ?
Can you please read your post again before posting ?

What does the 'dmesg' command say when you plug the interface ?
Are you sure you're using a proper power adapter and/or USB hub to provide enough current to the DMX interface ?

Re: Enttec DMX

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 2:50 pm
by djtommye
Sorry about the spelling...

Interesting. dmesg would show the EntTec, then list errors reading it ("device descriptor read/64, error -32") . I have a second (older) EntTec DMX USB Pro laying on my desk, and I connected that, rebooted, and now it shows up.

Thanks for pointing me in that direction...