Patch panel rgb

The issues found when using the Fixture Manager panel
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Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:17 am
Real Name: coma capsa


I work whit OS 10.10 and QLC 4.11
I use 3 universes as a Panels RGB for my digital led strips and 2 universes as a dimmers and other fixtures.
When I have to remapping a universe, I clone Panels RGB and it seems to be ok, but when I done, Panels RGB turns into 1 ch Dimmer fixture. How can I solve it?
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Issue confirmed. Thanks for reporting.
I am on it.
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Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:09 am
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

I think I've found and fixed it.
Please check the latest test version and report if it working as expected now.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:17 am
Real Name: coma capsa

It works!!
Thank you very much!
good job!

And congratulations for this great software, I love it!
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:17 am
Real Name: coma capsa

Hi again!
I can't pach dimmers
The reassign it seems to be ok but it doesn't pach the channel dimmers well. I pach and when I reassign, its pached 1 to 1.
Thanks for your attention.
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