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Waveshare 10.1inch HDMI Touchscreen

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:16 am
by sjames
Hi All,

I'm working on building a QLC+ based lighting desk for my own use, and picked up one of these screens to work with: ... with_case)

I got mine on for about US$88. It's 1024x600, capacitive touch over USB, quite good viewing angle, and a decent size to work with. (I run QLC+ on an old Dell Mini 9 netbook at the moment, so this is actually a slightly larger screen...)

Anyway, I spent some considerable time trying to get it to act like a touchscreen, before finding this post from Massimo:


This screen reports as a mouse on /dev/input/event0, like the Adafruit 5", so I edited the QLCPLUS_OPTS line in /etc/init.d/qlcplus , removing "--overscan" and adding "-plugin evdevmouse:abs" then added after the QLCPLUS_OPTS line:

Code: Select all

result: perfectly working screen! However, I want to use a keyboard as well, so added "-plugin evdevkeyboard" to the QLCPLUS_OPTS line.

Back to the project for me - now that the screen is working, I need to finish building my custom fader wing...