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No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:57 am
by zerbcx

I'm a new here and I hope someone can help me.
I got an complete "qlc-image" for raspberry and normally the webinterface should come up automaticly. - But I have no access to the <address>:9999 :-(
The system is working on a Raspberry 2B. I have access via ssh, so the network is ok! But I'm not sure, if I should start anything that I have access via browser.
I've tried to bake a new iamge on another CF card, but there I have the same issue...
Should I set the raspberry to fix address? In this moment it is working with DHCP?

Is there anybody who can help me?

Best regards

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:33 am
by siegmund
Hi Jens,

according to the documentation the web interface needs to be enabled beforehand. Though I haven't used QLC+ on a Raspberry Pi yet, I could not say if this also applies to it. But maybe you can give a try starting qlcplus with the -w option using ssh.


Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:34 am
by mcallegari
The web interface is enabled by default on the Raspberry Pi image.
Not sure why you can't access it.
Have you tried for simplicity to connect a PC to the RPi with a cross cable and see if it works ? Obviously you'd need to use static IP addresses on both ends.

Maybe you have a network device cutting traffic directed to port 9999 ?

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:14 am
by zerbcx
Hello together,

Thank you for you fast reply!
I test everything you told me...but I have no access :-(
I test with static IP, crosslink cable, with different PC/MAC/iPad/iphone nothing :-( also in a different network, with other divices...
The qlcplus service is started!
What kind of web-Server should run?
Is there anything else, I can get access to qlcplus, without webclient? The qlcplus is only running on the graphic desktop?, or could I start the programm also with the command line? Jessi does not have the graphic desktop installed.
I have read the Guide a lot of times, maybe I`m not clever enough :-(
I baked the 3rd time the image (qlcplus_raspbian_jessie_20160529) on a different microSD...nothing...



Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:44 pm
by mcallegari
What kind of web-Server should run?
None. QLC+ has an integrated web server !
Is there anything else, I can get access to qlcplus, without webclient?
No, except for connecting a mouse, keybaord and a TV to the RPi itself.
The qlcplus is only running on the graphic desktop?, or could I start the programm also with the command line? Jessi does not have the graphic desktop installed.
What does this mean ? There is no "graphic desktop" in the official image. QLC+ runs directly on the OpenGL driver.

Let's take a step back. Do you see QLC+ on your TV when you power up the Pi ? If you don't, then the image is corrupted or you're not telling us all the details required to understand what's going on.

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:46 am
by zerbcx
Sorry, I do not know, how it should looks like.
But if I start with a Monitor and keyboard and a mouse, only a standard tty1 is coming up!
No QLC... :-(
What I can check now?

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:20 am
by mcallegari
Which Raspberry Pi model are you using ?

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:43 am
by zerbcx
2B, it should run...

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:13 pm
by mcallegari
I still suspect there's something wrong with the SD card and the image is corrupted.

From a console, do this:

Code: Select all

sudo service qlcplus stop
It should definitely bring QLC+ up and you should see it on the TV.
If you see errors on the console terminal, then the image is corrupted.

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:09 pm
by zerbcx
ok, it is possible to stop the service, but if I type qlcplus i got the messages "Illegal instruction"

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:32 pm
by mcallegari
That's the typical message of QLC+/Qt running on the wrong platform.
Are you sure you're using a Raspberry Pi 2 ?
Are you sure the image is OK (did you check the MD5 ?) and that you haven't done any modifications to it ?

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:49 am
by zerbcx
....shame on me. I'm really very sorry that I have annoyed you. It was the Raspbery... :cry: I was very very sure that I used a R2B.. but is was a R B+ V1.2
Because of te 4 USB Ports and the HDMI Port I was sure it was an R2B....sorry sorry sorry...
R3b is ordered and arrived today... :? :? :?

Re: No access to qlc+ webinterface

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:45 pm
by mcallegari
That's OK.
In any case the next image will run on all the 4 RPi models