Controlling color and movement separately

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Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:13 pm
Real Name: Rich Henrie

I have searched the forums for this question and was not able to find anything. I apologize if I am duplicating a question.

We have 4 Chauvet Intimidator Spot 100 IRC fixtures along with 9 PAR 64 LED RGB fixtures. I have my virtual console set up to control the color for all 13 fixtures in a solo frame and this works fine. I only selected the color, intensity and shutter channels for the Intimidators in these scenes. I started to set up movements in a separate solo frame for the Intimidators and only selected the pan, tilt and speed channels in these scenes. When I select the movement scenes, the Intimidators will initially move as expected. After one or two times of moving them, they will begin to act on their own and go to the rest position pointing down (I have them sitting on top of a truss, so they are not hanging upside down). Once they point down, they start shaking back and forth as if they are trying to make a movement, but don't know what to do.

I am attaching my workspace to show how I currently have the scenes set up. I only have 3 movement scenes because of this issue. Does anyone have any ideas on how to set up movers so the color and movement can be controlled separately? What am I doing wrong?

Your assistance is appreciated.

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Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:13 pm
Real Name: Rich Henrie

Wanted to let everyone know that I was able to fix this issue. I found several other scenes that had the same movement channels selected for my moving lights. I don't know if I did that by accident or if someone else may have played around with it (I'm not the only one that updates our scenes). I also found that I seemed to have a corrupt scene. Not sure if this has happened to anyone else. Whenever I would select it in operating mode, the movers would start to reset and then shake on the stage. I replaced the scene and everything works great now.

Is there anyone here that uses Chauvet Initimidator Spot 100 IRC fixtures? I am having issues trying to get them to blackout when I change the color wheels. I have tried several different things, but they always scroll through the color wheel to get to the appropriate color. I am at a loss of what to do. Any ideas?

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rhenrie wrote: Is there anyone here that uses Chauvet Initimidator Spot 100 IRC fixtures? I am having issues trying to get them to blackout when I change the color wheels. I have tried several different things, but they always scroll through the color wheel to get to the appropriate color. I am at a loss of what to do. Any ideas?
Channel 10 set to 28-47 says "Blackout while moving gobo wheel". Have you tried setting the channel 10 to a value between 28 and 47 ?

EDIT - "Blackout while moving COLOR wheel" is values 68-87
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:13 pm
Real Name: Rich Henrie

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried several different settings on those channels, but they don't blackout. I thought it was due to a timer widget that I had for all of my RGB lights, so I took the intimidators out of the widget, but they still do not black out.
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