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Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:29 pm
by djjeanb
To all,
so i have a waveshare 5" HDMI Touch display.
i've installed the QLC image:
The touch controls work however it is totally misaligned. and the top does not respond at all.
then i installed a standard rasbian image it all works flawles, and it stays calibrated.
then i perform a manual qlc plus install as soon as qlc starts the missalignments return.
what am i missing
Re: Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:28 am
by mcallegari
then i installed a standard rasbian image it all works flawles, and it stays calibrated.
According to this wiki:
a standard Raspbian image is not supposed to work out of the box. Maybe you used the Raspbian image modified by WaveShare. Please explain.
A standard Raspbian image boots by default into a X server, while the QLC+ image doesn't have it, so you can't compare the two things and expect they work the same.
Have you read paragraph 9.4 of the provided PDF guide ?
Is your touchscreen correctly mapped to a /dev/input/eventX device ?
If so, have you tried the evtest program and see if coordinates are correct or not ?
Re: Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 10:56 am
by djjeanb
sorry, i'll explain in more detail.
first i've installed the rasbian image form the official RPI website, then i've installed the drivers for the waveshare touchscreen.
that combination works flawless. how ever, when i perform the manual installation of QLC+ as described in section 10, the moment i start QLC the callibration settings are off, when i close QLC+ calibration settings are normal again.
To explain the QLCplus image issue:
so the touch screen cant be calibrated because x server is not installed, so i installed via sudo apt-get install: lxde and lightdm
the moment i start lxde every thing works fine when i manually start QLC here it open in a window instead of a full screen view.
here the touch screen calibration stays on target. However the UART ins't working (but thats another issue i'll deal with later).
Re: Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:51 pm
by mcallegari
Is your touchscreen correctly mapped to a /dev/input/eventX device ?
If so, have you tried the evtest program and see if coordinates are correct or not ?
Re: Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:35 pm
by djjeanb
i've run the evtest via putty,
the touch controls are working as calibrated, the edges correspond with the calibrated values,
still when i start qlc there evtest shows the correct coordinates,
however the qlc thinks i touched the screen somewhere else. (little bit down and right when i touch the right side of the screen, down and left when i touch the left side of the screen)
addendum: what is weird is the sometimes when i press the in top bar, internet and mathmatics are starting in the back ground. so qlc might think it is in windowed mode of something.
Re: Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:10 pm
by mcallegari
I think I've seen this behaviour before, and I talked about it in this post:
I believe you need especially the flag
Code: Select all
That's for EGLFS though. I'm not sure which one needs to be used in a Xorg enviroment. As suggested in the PDF document, you could have a look at
Re: Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:11 pm
by djjeanb
i'll give it a try,
thanx for the response
Re: Touch screen misalignment when started
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:58 am
by djjeanb
unfortunately the problem persists,
and somewere the process I've accidentally dropped the pi with touchscreen, cracked the touch film, so no more touch screen
at least I can use it as a normal screen. I've ordered another screen (different type) maybe it will work with the new screen.
i'll keep you posted
gr jean