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Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:51 pm
Here you go, I don't really use that fixture with QLC anymore so I didn't remember it was in the show profile.

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:08 pm
by mumbles
If you uncheck the fader monitor under properties everything seams to be ok. By disabling monitor would this brick anything in your project that you know of?

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:21 pm
by mumbles
If it does I have a profile for a loopback device that should allow you to monitor fader and override HTP. But if you don't need to monitor the faders for effects to work properly Id recommend just disabling the monitor. Otherwise you have to create a second universe just for loopback channels/ devices with a "fixture" loopback for each channel you need HTP override for then map it back to new scene/ channel fader. Basically you create 2 universes one with all fixture channels set to HTP (high takes priority) and one universe with the same number of device channels all set to LTP (low takes priority). Then manually map each channel from the LTP universe to HTP fader widgets. Then create another set of fader widgets monitor each channel on the LTP. Then map all scene buttons to the HTP channels. Then your LTP faders will override scenes. and allow faders as you'd expect without scene buttons "disabling" faders or only allow you to raise values.

This is the jest of what would need to be done if monitoring the faders is needed with control. note I may have HTP and LTP backwards in description above. I you need to do this I go back and verify the setting.

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:27 pm
I don't actually remember why I use it. Does that mean if I hit say a reset button that sets dimmer to zero the fader won't move? If that's what it means what happens when I grab that fader again?

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:55 pm
I found the problem. During my testing I had changed the TouchOSC MIX16 layout for one slider to show values from 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1 like it was defaulted to. I didn't understand what that meant I guess. Still don't actually. However, just now I changed it back to 0 to 1 and it now moves smoothly.

I don't like the idea of changing those values though without the slider moving. I really like using the monitor. Would that be considered a bug?


Actually now that I put the values back in the TouchOSC layout to what they were before it's working properly even with the monitor turned on.

I think you've helped me make it through the ordeal successfully.

Now I just need to play and create a layout in TouchOSC that does what I want, etc.

Thanks so much for all the help.


Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:09 pm
by mumbles
Your welcome!

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:47 pm
by mumbles
after testing a little more I realized after just switching fixture intensity from HTP to LTP faders started working with monitor.

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:52 pm
Could you please tell me where you made that change? I am still learning about HTP and LTP and how each works in my show.


Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:52 pm
by mumbles
EBDS wrote:Could you please tell me where you made that change? I am still learning about HTP and LTP and how each works in my show.

Under fixtures tab. Click on the purple box looking thing.

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:20 pm
by mumbles
Just FYI one benefit in your case of the loopback would be if a "reset button" was triggered it'd zero everything like you have now but would allow you to manually rase fader backup and disregard the "reset button" state allowing for faster smoother control in live shows. instead of faders being held at zero until reset button is released.

Just something to think about

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:38 pm
That would be very good. Would you be willing to teach me what I would have to do to implement that loopback system. It sounds like something very useful for me. I have had trouble in the past forgetting to release the RESET button and not being able to change a slider because of that like you're describing.

I love learning learning more about how to use the software more efficiently if you're willing to teach me.


Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:29 am
by mumbles
Ive been meaning to document how to implement the loopback profile I created for a couple weeks now. Just haven't had a chance. I created a place holder until I do get something worked up on how I us it.

Place holder is viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8879&p=38749#p38749

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:40 pm
Hi folks. I am just trying now to get back to this and it's clear to me that I've completely messed up the Mix16 profile that comes with QLC+. Could someone please attach file TouchOSC-Mix16.qxi from their system so I can reload it and try all this again?


Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:36 pm
by MDSurveyor
I found this thread as I was looking for the same information. I found something that will be helpful if you are still looking.

First, let me say that the internet is a huge library of good and bad stuff where all the shelves fell down and got mixed together. So I hope this will help you on your quest.

There is a tutorial here ( ... -with-osc/) that will get your iPad connected to QLC+ using the Touch OSC app and the Mix 16 Profile. The instructions are very clear. It worked for me, no problem. I did see the little joystick that everyone above mentioned when I triggered something on the iPad.

The next step was to create something of my own, more or less.

Download the Touch OSC Editor for your operating system ( What I did at this point was to create a new layout with 1 button. I set the MIDI trigger to be C-1. The editor app will sync the layout to you iPad. Verify that your iPad is communicationg with QLC+ per the initial tutorial.

In QLC, I loaded a show that I had previously made and functions properly. I chose 1 button to use at the test. Before editing the button, you will need to create a new OSC Profile in QLC+ - I just called it test - and assign C-1 as the values. Then in virtual console design mode, open the button properties, and for external trigger I chose Auto Detect. I pressed the button on my iPad, and magically all the values came in. I clicked play (show running on QLC+) and pressed the button on the iPad and the function worked properly.

This is what I have so far. Hope it helps.


Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:04 am
by andersM
Glad I found this thread.
I was struggling with connecting touchosc on my android phone and qlc+ 4 running on my win 10 thinkpad.
Now, I could somehow not find a host, nor did typing in IPs help. Someone told be to check in cmd whether in play mode ports 9000 and 7700 were actually set to listening. Seems they're not.
Aren't they supposed to?
I went to the windows firewall and specifically allowed touchosc and qlc+ to send and receive.

What could I be doing wrong?

cheers guys

Re: Want to use iPad to control QLC+

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:18 am
by andersM
Ok I take it aall back, it's working now! Lovely!