Massimo, really serious maybe LTPforced outputs with reduced Submaster "SM"
But I'm still not very interestet in that channel forcing LTP/HTP thing,
As a further improvement to a better Live-Rock-Usecase:
If you can agree with me the above for LTP matters, then think also about the "two optional" Flash possibility for all regular HTP channels (conventional controllers ability to Flash ADD/SOLO):
a) ADD by Default, same as we already have, pure HTP mix
b) SOLO, only the flashed Function rules - and overlays, with reset on ButtonRelease, leading to such an output I tried to explain in the diagram:
After that - to save space and effort - we can try to switch between option a) and b) with a script-Function, then we only need 1 row of Flashbuttons + 1 toggle for the ADD/KILL script (like the marked one on the controllers picture) instead of 2rows...