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Re: 4.9.0 and touchOSC

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:23 pm
by Nicko453
Hi Massimo,

Version 4.9.1 has fixed the problems I was having - thank you to all who helped. My project is now working well with 4.9.1 - on both Mint Linux (laptop) and RPi2. All TouchOSC functions are working well.

One thing I did notice that needed some adjusting was related to the Loopback interface. I use a Loopback to automatically 'push' the Tap button on a speed dial. I had the duration of the tap scene set to 0.01 sec in the chase (which is way shorter than I actually need it to be). This worked ok at 4.8.5, but wouldn't trigger the button at 4.9. I increased the hold time to 0.05 sec (still crazily short) and all works fine. So not an issue - just a point of interest.

Thanks for your help and support. I intend to post a bit of a description of my project soon as it may help others in some way (it runs on RPi2 and makes extensive use of TouchOSC, Loopback, USB footswitch, USB sound I/f, full automation (using Loopback and sub-masters), fully remote controlled from iPad, etc etc ).
