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Is there a tutorial for hooking QLC+ to MIDI events, say like Ableton Live or Logic?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:47 pm
by Daniel Nyström
I finally found out why Logic Pro X behaved so weird. When creating a
new External MIDI channel, the "Record" button was automatically
turned on (colored red). This seems to create some sort of loop of
MIDI messages. Unblocking the small red R-button on the MIDI track
made Logic Pro X behave just as expected, with perfect accuracy.

2014-10-21 16:59 GMT+02:00 Jeff :
> I don't have a control surface, nor do I need one in this particular case.
> I needed my lights to follow an audio file. I had some troubles with the
> Show window, so I went looking for an alternative.
> Ableton and the Virtual Console came through in the end.
> ________________________________
> Is there a tutorial for hooking QLC+ to MIDI events, say like Ableton Live
> or Logic?
> ________________________________
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Is there a tutorial for hooking QLC+ to MIDI events, say like Ableton Live or Logic?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:56 am
by Jeff
Yep! that was it!

disarming the MIDI track made it trigger accurately.

I had it on because I wanted to record the MIDI triggered events with the audio playing, and in Ableton, it works well with the record on, but not in Logic.

Sometimes, it's one little thing that goes unnoticed....

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Is there a tutorial for hooking QLC+ to MIDI events, say like Ableton Live or Logic?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:41 pm
by maceoparker
At the risk of developing a habit of borrowing other people´s threads - reading this discussion raised some questions for me.

I´m completely new to QLC+, and I haven´t even tried it with any equipment connected yet. I´ve just explored the interface and functions a bit.

My ambition is to control my lighting with QLC+ (or some similar application) through midi, transmitted from a DAW-app or even better (for my purposes) from an iPad app that can play both audio and midi-files as well as displaying lyrics. The reason i want to use midi are several, but perhaps not important here.

From what I gather from this thread, triggering scenes (by triggering buttons which in turn trigger scenes) with midi basically only works as it´s supposed to when using flash-mode? Not so much in toggle-mode? Is that still the case?

Does this mean that the midi note that triggers one scene needs to be released at the exact same moment as the next one is pressed (in order not to get gaps between scenes)? Or can the notes overlap, so that the new scene is triggered even if the previous note remains pressed for a fraction of a second? Do the fade-in-and-out times apply even when using flash-mode, or will the switch be "static" and instantaneous?
