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Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:28 am
by lorenzoandreani
QLC+_4.11.0.1 (22/04/2017) on Windows 10 crash when open a .qxw workspace.
I think the problem is due to the new sequence management because if you convert the file to the online converter, the problem does not occur.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:46 am
by mcallegari
lorenzoandreani wrote: ↑Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:28 am
QLC+_4.11.0.1 (22/04/2017) on Windows 10 crash when open a .qxw workspace.
I think the problem is due to the new sequence management because if you convert the file to the online converter, the problem does not occur.
Indeed, after a recent rework on Sequences, backward compatibility is interrupted.
However, QLC+ should not crash and should show an error message saying that projects using sequences must be converted to the new format with the
migration tools.
Anyway, I've fixed the crash on GIT, thanks for reporting.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:27 am
by nedmech
Finally got around to trying out 4.11.0 on my oldest production machine only to encounter the following error:
"Procedure entry point CancelIoEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"
This particular computer is still running Windows XP (for various reasons). I'm assuming that compatibility with Windows XP has now been broken by the change to QT 5.9? The QT support page only lists Windows support back to Win7 ( Can you confirm if that's really the case, or is this some other glitch I've run into?
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:25 am
by janosvitok
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:05 pm
by mcallegari
At this point, I think bundling Qt 5.9 was a mistake.
There's been reports of issues also with older macOS versions.
Most likely 4.11.1 will bundle Qt 5.6.2 again but guys, I cannot support dinosaurs forever.
The world is moving on:
- Microsoft even stopped XP support
- Apple is constantly polling you to update to the very latest macOS version...until your Mac (or iPhone/iPad) will need to be thrown in the trash can
I don't understand why QLC+ can't adapt to these tendencies.
I really hope QLC+ 5 will draw a line on this. In any case Qt 5.9 will be the minimum version required for technical reasons.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 3:14 am
by nedmech
Thanks for confirming this, Massimo & Jano. I've got no problem with QLC+ moving forward and dropping support for XP. I plan to upgrade that machine to Windows 10 soon. I'm mostly waiting on my IT guy to actually purchase what we need to upgrade it.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:38 pm
by mcallegari
I have reverted to Qt 5.6.2. Now test builds should work again on XP and Vista too.
I'm wondering though if in keeping Qt back we're missing something valuable, like for example multimedia improvements.
Apparently not (the damn issue of 0x0 videos has not been fixed (in years) yet) but still, the doubt remains.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:04 am
by soundupinc
thx for great software)
yesterday we hava test QLC+_4.11.1.90.exe
we use QLC with Akai APC Mini in 4.11 we have seen that Slider VALUE RANGE, don`t see limits (low limit and hight limit) when we use Slider on AKAI. all ok with this is in 4.10.5
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:57 am
by dino.loss
You're right, same problem!
I did the test with QLC+ with APC Mini and Windows 7
On the attached workspace the limit value is set between 8 and 134 and the monitor can vary from 0 to 255
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:02 am
by mcallegari
Should be fixed now, please test version
Thanks for reporting
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:13 pm
by soundupinc
yes for that all good)
found new bug
when we use audio triger, for dmx value per volume, it`s not allowd to use slider on same dmx function, it`s all time at 0 value
Sequence Copy Error
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:22 pm
by lorenzoandreani
QLC+_4.11.1.162.exe on Windows 10 (1703) Pro
Sequence Copy Error:
- Add two Generic RGB named "Generic RGB #1" and "Generic RGB #2"
- Add one sequence named "Sequence #1" and create a simple sequence for "Generic RGB #1" (for example two scene: white and black on loop)
- In VC add one button and link it to "Sequence #1" and test it
- Ok: the "Generic RGB #1" turn on and off
- Now create a copy of "Sequence #1" so you'll have "Sequence #1 (Copy)"
- Edit "Sequence #1 (Copy)": Remove "Generic RGB #1" and add "Generic RGB #2"
- Edit "Sequence #1 (Copy)": edit the two scene to create a simple sequence for "Generic RGB #2" (for example two scene: blue and red on loop)
- In VC add another Button and link it to "Sequence #1 (Copy)" and test it
- Not Ok: "Generic RGB #2" blink blue and red but also "Generic RGB #1" blink
I think the problem is due to the fact that the "Sequence #1 (Copy)" remains connected to the scene of "Sequence #1"
P.S.: Now the sequences have two names "Chaser name" and "Scene name".
In my opinion, the "Scene name" field no longer has utility and should be compiled automatically with the same value as the "Chaser name" field.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:08 pm
by CoS2000
@lorenzoandreani: I had similar Problems in the latest Full-Version (4.11.0) when using copys and copys of copys. Sometimes when i edit copys of copys it changes things in the original and first copy too.
After a week of work you make the last show and using sequences or scenes from another show as copy from an copy. You change a view little things for new show, but after that the shows you made in past are broken now, because editing a copy change things in the original.
I still think the Problem is, that copys are not independent from the original, because all copys are bound to a hidden scene. Look at your Save File (is xml Format):
Code: Select all
<Function ID="1" Type="Sequence" Name="Sequence #1" BoundScene="0">
and later the copy
Code: Select all
<Function ID="2" Type="Sequence" Name="Sequence #1 (Copy)" BoundScene="0">
Both are bound to Scene "0" (BoundScene="0"). When you look at Scene 0:
Code: Select all
<Function ID="0" Type="Scene" Name="Sequence #1" Hidden="True">
<Speed FadeIn="0" FadeOut="0" Duration="0"/>
<FixtureVal ID="1">0,0,1,0,2,0</FixtureVal>
<FixtureVal ID="0">0,0,1,0,2,0</FixtureVal>
Some things like used Fixtures are saved in this hidden Scene, not in the sequence itself. Changing things (for example the fixture val) in the original (Sequence #1) change this information in the copy (Sequence #1 (Copy)) too, because it will chanced in the hidden scene, on that both sequences (Sequence #1 and the copy) bound to. The copy of a Squence is not independent from its original! I think this cause the problems you descriped and i had too!
I think a better way it is to stop using bindings and store all informations in The Sequence itself like this:
Code: Select all
<Function ID="1" Type="Sequence" Name="Sequence #1">
<Speed FadeIn="0" FadeOut="0" Duration="0"/>
<FixtureVal ID="1">0,0,1,0,2,0</FixtureVal>
<FixtureVal ID="0">0,0,1,0,2,0</FixtureVal>
other informations...
Imagine you make a copy of a file in windows and after deleting the copy the original is deleted too - It make no sence for me to bound copys or copys of copys to anything. All should be independent from another, so you avoid problems!
Hope my informations can help...
Greetings from Germany
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:07 pm
by lorenzoandreani
From a few days, when I download the Windows .exe test version ( Windows Defender blocks it indicating that it contains a Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl virus
Does it only happen to me?
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:22 am
by GGGss
I only see my AVG inspecting the .exe for quite some time before letting me work with it ... so yes maybe there is something inside that might have some kind of false-positive signature present...
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:02 pm
by mcallegari
Test builds are produced by an online service (
AppVeyor) running on virtual machines. I really doubt that's contamined with viruses.
I suspect instead this is once again a proof that Windows (and related apps) don't really like software built outside their world. They expect everyone to use MSVC, .NET frameworks and other packaging tools. Well, this is not the case for QLC+. I use all free & open source tools.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:27 pm
by lorenzoandreani
mcallegari wrote: ↑Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:02 pm
I suspect instead this is once again a proof that Windows (and related apps) don't really like software built outside their world. They expect everyone to use MSVC, .NET frameworks and other packaging tools. Well, this is not the case for QLC+. I use all free & open source tools.
Yes, I think you're right
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:57 am
by maximortal and above can not to be dawnloaded 'couse Chrome report a virus inside the .exe file
EDIT: sorry for double post I didn't read above)
BTW I'm not happy about remove of separated faders for cue list widget in the last build i tested personally disagee.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:35 pm
by mcallegari
maximortal wrote: ↑Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:57 am
BTW I'm not happy about remove of separated faders for cue list widget in the last build i tested personally disagee.
There's been a poll for that:
Where were you ? Where is your "no" vote and the explanation of your usage case requiring 2 faders ?
Complaining now is useless.
Re: QLC+ TEST versions
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:50 pm
by maximortal
I was busy at work, not you fault off course.
now I'm a bit more free and I'm testing new versions and so on
btw TEST ar to be tested so I supposed (wrongly as it appears) that wasn't a definitive change