IMHO FX reads like eFX - I wouldn't use that keyword in QLC+ context.
Others use Effect for the EfX function. So renaming the EFX editor (and sub names used) to EFF(ect) editor could solve the keyword issue I'm posting about?
In the logic of making it universal -> the 5-dot principle:
'FX 5' -> [Uni 1, Fx(Id) 1], DMX channel 5
'FX .5' -> [Uni 1], FX(Id) 1, DMX channel 5
'FX 3.5' -> [Uni 1], Fx(Id) 3, channel 5
'FX 4.3.5' -> Uni 4, Fx(d) 3, channel 5
, a double dot could be used also?
'FX ..5' Would read as Uni 1, FX(ID) 1, DMX channel 5
'FX 3..5' ->Uni 3, [FX(ID) 1], DMX channel 5
For the theatre people:
'FX 3.-5' (notice minus) -> Uni 3, DMX channel 5 (real DMX channel, no fixture ID)
'FX -.' -> theatre; all fixtures in Uni 1
Don't forget Muti-headed-fixtures: (trailing double point)
'FX 3.18.7..1' (notice double trailing dot) -> Uni 3, FX(ID) 18, HEAD 7, channel 1
'FX 1..' -> [Uni 1] Fx(Id) 1, all heads
'FX 4.3.5..3' -> Uni 4, Fx(Id) 3, HEAD 5 at channel 3
'FX 17' -> error: No fixture [at Uni 1 Fx(Id) 1] having channel 17
'FX .17 -> error: No fixture found at [Uni 1] with Fx(Id) 17
'FX 7.81' -> error: No FX(ID) 81 at Uni 7, there might be an DMX address 81 in Uni 7? Use '-'
'FX 3..17' -> error: You don't have channel 17 assigned in fixture Fx(Id) 1 in Uni 3
'FX 3.4.17' -> error: You don't have channel 17 assigned in fixture Fx(Id) 4 in Uni 3
'FX ..-17 -> error: No [FX(ID) 1 in Uni 1] has address 17 assigned (to a dimmer pack)
'FX 3.-18.-7..1' -> error: You cannot address Uni 3, address 18 because head 7 is at addressed elsewhere
'FX -7' -> theatre: soft error: no Fixture assigned at Uni 1, having a DMX channel 7
'FX .-17..' -> (trailing point) theatre: offending command: [Uni 1] does not have HEAD 1 defined at DMX channel 17
The zero keyword: '0' = all intensity channels
'FX 0' -> all intensity channels [in Uni 1 for Fx(Id) 1] (+all sub heads)
'FX 3.0' -> all intensity channels [in Uni 1], Fx(Id) 3 (+sub heads)
'FX 2.0.0' -> all intensity channels in Uni 2
'FX 0.0.0 -> warning: all intensity channels in all universes selected, repeat command if you are sure
I might go on like this, maybe it's better to have more clever people reviewing this idea...
More complex is more input power but apply KISS (Keep it Stupid Simple) where needed.