New fixtures don't appear in QLC+

The issues found when using the Fixture Manager panel
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As a Noob myself, I ran into this problem and found the answers on this forum partially correct but incomplete.

Yes, once you're through editing your fixture in the fixture definition editor, absolutely save your new fixtures in the user folder - (I'm windows 11 file system so in those terms it usually is found at C: Users/(Current User)/QLC+/Fixtures

This folder ---IS---- referenced in the Add fixture dialog in the main program (THE WINDOW THAT OPENS UP WHEN YOU HIT THE PLUS SIGN in fixtures)

where things get hazy is -- where do my edited fixtures show up in that dialog?

this is all controlled in the fixture definition editor under the GENERAL TAB - Look for the Manufacturer Field - Whatever you put there will show up back in the Add fixture dialog in the main program - If you want a "manufacturer folder" in the add fixture dialog to contain all your own personal fixtures, make the manufacturer your own personal name......or "1" if you like it to show up at the top of the dialog

then next - label the Model as you would like it to appear in your own personal "manufacturer" folder - make sure everything is saved....

after that make sure you exit QLC+ and the fixture editor-

open things back up and you WILL see your new/edited fixtures in your own folder in the add fixture dialog.

Hope that took me a few frustrating hours to figure this one out - hope it saves someone else some of their time/frustration -

All said.....there is no other software as flexible as QLC+ - im very appreciative of all the devs that have put into this project - Looking forward to the interface of Version 5 - It'll put all other DMX software developers out of business permanently....
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