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Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:53 pm
by GGGss
Truss is triangle or square - a Strut (maybe in Flemish I don't know) is something you can hang things on - like a tube or so

Your way has a point - sry making the comment - I was only overlooking what could be done (better = not)

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:40 pm
by andres robles
Hello everyone
In theaters there is usually no truss square or trilite (triangular)
In Spain usually have "electrified rods" Bilite? and can have many rods ... also usually have balconies and / or Platea ... (spotlights placed on top of the control for front light, usually of the cut type .... I attach images to be more graphic

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:13 am
by mcallegari
Guys, presets are not meant to represent EVERY stage in the world.
They are just a generic one-click shortcut to have something usable in no time.
I used square trusses because I have only those in the library. I will add flat trusses too.
However, please consider that theatres are not only those "big" ones you're referring to (with proscenium arch, hundreds of seats and balconies)
There are also very small situations (e.g. in schools) or situations where a band is actually playing on a theatre stage. Will you hang moving heads on flat trusses ? No.

Again, importing custom objects will give you all the freedom to build your custom stage with flowers and unicorns in it :joy:

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:57 pm
by theotherdavidcook
Just saw this... WHOOPEE..

I have been struggling with setting movers with no visualizer... and the blender thing is a real pain.. and I have worked with Blenter before..

When I saw your mention of a visualizer in v5, I started reaching for my 'plastic'

I'm a paid RP3 user and will gladly send more development funds for this...

I know it won't be on the PI version for obvious reasons but as noted in the Pi release, design and programming should be done on a full sized computer with resources... (a caveat to add would be to tell them they need to have the same hardware setup for BOTH or you will change the I/O settings on the project. I had to re-add the uDMX and Launchpad every time I mod'ed the show. Lucky me I have 2 uDMX and 2 Launchpads)

I love your software and recommend it highly... I know you got a couple of RP3 sales from my endorsement.

The Other David Cook

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:09 pm
by giacomo
@ Massimo
I'm curious now, is it not allowed?
Because most of the times I don't have any trusses at all to hang my lights, so I use what it's available in the venue.

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:10 pm
by mcallegari
giacomo wrote: Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:09 pm @ Massimo
I'm curious now, is it not allowed?
Because most of the times I don't have any trusses at all to hang my lights, so I use what it's available in the venue.
If there's nothing else available...of course it's allowed. :)
I guess though that flat trusses or simple bars are not designed to hold a lot of weight...otherwise square trusses wouldn't even have a reason to exist

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:16 pm
by janosvitok
I guess the load capacity depends on the truss design/tube wall thickness (2mm/3mm), load distribution (one point load vs. evenly distributed) and how is the truss mounted/suspended.
Obviously flat trusses have less capacity than square/triangle ones.

For real numbers see e.g. PDF at ... ro/regular

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:10 pm
by giacomo
good try guys!
out of a 3D topic but it was fun this "theatre preset", I'll tell you one main difference:
flat trusses can bend - that's not the case when they're suspended (correctly).

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:20 am
by Baer

Sorry to correct, all trusses can bend not only flat Trusses
Square trusses are more stable on crosswise forces and have a lower tendecy to tilt ;)

But thats all of topic here..

Theater preset looks great for me on first look

Would be a great feature for the futuere to have a generator which creates a preset from some parameters (stage widht, height, length, truss distance) or something similar.

I'm very curious to see the first results with real shows visualized with QLC+

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:51 pm
by giacomo
Of course everything can bend Baer but flat profiles are not meant to resist axial forces and twists.

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:32 pm
by giacomo
Massimo and Eric,
do we have a rough estimation about a time schedule?
I'm curious to know when I could try QLC+5 on a real stage.

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:11 pm
by mcallegari
No estimation ATM. I hope a few weeks.
However, the next QLC+ 5 version will be Alpha 3. I advanced on some areas, but I'm still quite far from a production ready release.

Re: QLC+ 5 advanced 3D features campaign

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:38 am
by Krauthaus
Wow, I am used to grandMA and RoadHogs, but your QLC+ is a real nice piece of software, I cant believe you did this all at your own! :D Thanks for this!