VNC on Raspberry Pi

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Tom Sepe

Is it possible to VNC into QLC+ on Raspberry Pi?

I installed tightvncserver on my Rpi however I get the following error upon connecting:

XSession: unable to start X session --- no "/root/.xsession" file, no "root/.Xsession" file, no session managers, no window managers, and no terminal emulators found; aborting.

Since headless is often how people run the hardware, it would be great to VNC into the Rpi to edit the show design.

For instance I know that Raspbmc distribution has implemented a way to VNC into the XBMC
Massimo Callegari

Hello to you.
There is no X Server (so no window manager) in the RPi image.
Again, the software is not meant to do project editing, but only live. The Pi has not enough power.
Edit on your computer and then load the project on the Pi.

hello Massimo
first of all, bravo for this project

according to your reply, i guess there is a way to laucnh qlcplus without starting x server on the raspberry.
could you tell me how (or point me a link)?
thanks for your help
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