FX Fade of two colors

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Is there a way to realize an effekt like the one in the attached video? two colors fading over each other and the light is never off (made with ecue programmer)
So far I just found the option to play two RGBMatrix Wave effects simultaneously in a collection. But still this aint a good solution because, i can't prevent the lights to be off for a short time.
The Plasma can do a slightly similar effect, but not what i want, because the movement of the lights are not linear.
Posts: 824
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:24 am
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Real Name: Michel Sliepenbeek

Why not use an EFX (https://docs.qlcplus.org/v4/function-manager/efx-editor)?

Create a new EFX, add your Fixtures and set mode to RGB.
For the two Fixtures on the Right set Start Offset to 0, the two left to them to 35, the two left to them to 70 ( .... 105 ...... 140 .... 175 ...... and so on).

On the next Tab (Movement, you should box Background Color to get a first impression), select Pattern = Line2, and set:
Width = 25,
Height = 25,
X-Offset = 211(Blue to Red),
Y-Offset 128 (full level),
Rotation = 45 and
Direction = Reversed.

Quite close. :)
All lights will remain on, you have Red and Blue as Base Colors, the main difference is that you get a gradual fade (from Red over Magenta to Blue).
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Hi Michael,

Thanks heaps for your answer.
That is indeed a solution, but a bit to elaborate for my case.
I think I'm going to stick with the collection solution for now.
Posts: 824
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:24 am
Location: Nederland
Real Name: Michel Sliepenbeek

As an alternative you could use a scene that sets your Fixtures to Magenta and then run a RGB Matrix with Pattern is (for instance) Fill Unfill, Blending Colors are Red and Blue and Blend Mode = Subtract.
A QLC Workspace is like a Bob Ross painting: "it's your world, you can create whatever you want!"
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