GDTF import

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i was wondering if it was possible, to import features from GDTF.
A lot of Fixtures are already there and i think it would be cool to have them in QLC+.

I don't knew, how it is possible for a developer to join GDTF, if you have to pay something or so.

What do you Guys think about it ?
Would you like that feature or do you think its unnecessary?
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Open Fixture Library can import GDTF 1.0 and export QLC+ fixture definition files.
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Funny, I was going to mention something like this, but thought I would check if somebody did already and here we are!

I am quite interested in this as well. I created an account a few months ago and started creating a fixture profile for my Martin Roboscan Pro 518, just to try it out.
Once you have an account setup, you can create and download fixture profiles to your liking, there is no fee.
The process to create a fixture profile is VERY involved. There is a ton of attributes and a steep learning curve (including a small amount of 3D model data as well, just looking at the XML)
Developers (as well as everybody else) can access to the spec can read up on it in their github repo ... /
If your interested in learning more about them, I would suggest creating an account and trying it out yourself! ;)

I found out about gdtf-share at LDI 2024. Glad to see another open-source standard attempting to unite the industry. Apparently some of the bigger players in lighting control are also having issues with getting proper fixture profiles. I will definitely be watching this.
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edogawa wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:28 am Open Fixture Library can import GDTF 1.0 and export QLC+ fixture definition files.
Woow - thank you for this lead.

I've been constructing some fixtures through the GDTF platform, mainly copying and adopting an existing fixture for my GMa projects.
Having the ability to mabo-jambo them to QLC+ will help a lot! I use QLC+ in parallel to GMa3 while progging in GMa, I have some static lights controlled by QLC+ ;-)

PS: people having trouble remembering GDTF ... use the mnemonic: it's a Good Day To F*ck
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