"Ghost fader values" at "Ayrton Mistral" fixture - Something sets channels to values

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Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:16 am
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Real Name: Thomas Tippl

i got a strange behaviour and can't explain what causes this:

At the moment i use QLC+ 5 as a 3D Viewer for QLC+ 4.

My problem only happens to a couple of channels.

I am not able to reset als faders in Univers 2. The pan and tilt values still have some values higher than "0". At the moment i would say it only happens to the "Ayrton Mistral" fixtures.

Even if i delete and add the "Ayrton Mistral" in standard mode as a new fixtures the pan and tilt values are set to 128.

Maybe the root cause is that it was a QLC+ 4 workspace which i imported and where i deletes the Virtual console.

Could someone else test this fixture if it reacts in the same way ?

Posts: 823
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:24 am
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Real Name: Michel Sliepenbeek

Have a look at the Fixture Definition (QXF file).
Both the Pan and the Tilt channel have a Default Value of 128.
This might explain your problem.

I suggest to set them to zero (with the Fixture Definition Editor. Save the changed QXF file to your User Library and restart QLC+).

As you are using both QLC4 and QLC5, it might be that you have to change it in both environments (no idea, never tried QLC5).
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