3D viewer - Brightness per fixture type

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Is there a way to define how powerful a beam is.
In the fixture editor we can define lumens for each fixture type... but this doesn't seem to be reflected in the 3D viewer.
As lumens is maybe a bit hard to program, maybe just a small setting that defines a % of the total brightness in the 3D viewer would already help a lot.
Today some light fixtures completely wash out other fixtures, while in reality they only produce a fraction of the light the other lights emit.

Hoping I'm doing something wrong ...
Otherwise, feel free to move to feature request page.

That dude that enjoys the lightshow more than the actual concert :-) . Beginner QLC+ user.
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Lumens or Flux ... this is a world of difference ... study your sources well, and you'll know hey!
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Hi Fredje,

Well, I may not have asked the question with the correct terminology... but I hope the underlying question was pretty clear. If not, my bad! So let me give an example
Assume I have
- a light fixture that produces at its maximum brightness setting X amount of 'light' (where X = barely visible in the dark by the naked eye)
- a light fixture that produces at its maximum brightness setting Y amount of 'light' (where Y = lights up the entire room in the dark ...)
How can I replicate that in the 3D viewer?
Today it seems that both are considered equally powerful with regards to the amount of light they emit.

For what it's worth: I referred to the Lumens setting, as this setting could be used/abused and does relate to this. Unsure what the setting is used for in QLC+ btw ...

Happy holidays!
That dude that enjoys the lightshow more than the actual concert :-) . Beginner QLC+ user.
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I hear ya ;-)

We sometimes have to tweak the fixture profiles with other desks to be visible in preview. If one would add an Atomix 3000 strobe, there wouldn't be any other fixture visible at all.
The most experienced guy with this would be @giacomo [https://www.qlcplus.org/forum/memberlis ... file&u=233]. Call out to him...
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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