Secondly, this is possible with QLC+ 4.10.0 and higher.
As you might know, QLC+ is almost entirely based on the Qt libraries. On the desktop versions, where possible, Qt5 is used, and it takes care of the audio/video playback, through the QtMultimedia library.
The Qt5 version that I build specifically for the Raspberry Pi, includes QtMultimedia too, but unfortunately it works pretty badly. That's why I've never talked about videos on the RPi, and believe me, I tried hard for months to make them work like I wanted.
Apparently the Qt team is not focused on embedded devices, so buddies like the RPi have been left behind.
Let's hope in the future this situation will improve, so QLC+ will be able to use "native" video playback like on the desktop versions.
Today I wanna talk how this situation can be workarounded. The main actor making it possible is omxplayer
omxplayer has been written by the same team that coded Kodi, a fantastic open source cross platform media center that works flawlessy even on the Raspberry Pi.
On the Pi, installing omxplayer requires a very limited footprint (around 25MB), so let's see how you can win this game in 3 moves !
1. White pawn in E4 - QLC+ and friends
Install omxplayer
Code: Select all
apt-get update
apt-get install omxplayer
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
QLCPLUS_OPTS="-platform linuxfb --web --operate --nogui"
- hid the QLC+ UI. As we're going to use the HDMI output to play videos, we don't need QLC+ to show up
- told QLC+ to render on the Linux framebuffer. Normally QLC+ on the RPi renders the UI on a OpenGL surface, but since it is needed by omxplayer (and since we don't care about the QLC+ UI), we'll leave it free to be used.
2. Black pawn in F5 - Going black
Now we have the unwanted login message on the screen.
So edit the file
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
setterm -cursor off
clear > /dev/tty1
setterm -blank 1
setterm -blank force
3. Queen in H5 - Checkmate: As easy as a Script
Create an empty QLC+ project on your PC.
Add a new Script function, with a line like this to play a video:
Code: Select all
systemcommand:/usr/bin/omxplayer arg:""
Code: Select all
systemcommand:/usr/bin/omxplayer arg:"/opt/Sintel.2010.720p.mkv"
Load the just created project into your Raspberry Pi via web interface.
Click on the Virtual Console button and you'll have fullscreen, hardware accelerated video playback with your Pi !
Please note that the QLC+ Script will launch omxplayer as a separate process, so the VC button will disengage almost immediately.
To give a duration to the Script, just add a second line to it like this:
Code: Select all
Now you can continue with all the adjustments:
- place your videos into the RPi SD card (remember to expand the filesystem if files are big !)
- set your project to autostart and autostart a Chaser (to automatically loop through a number of videos)
- change the screen resolution. Depending on if you have a HDMI TV set or a HDMI projector you might want to tune the output resolution. This can be done via config.txt file, in the SD card FAT partition. See 'hdmi_mode' here for more info
- change the video size with omxplayer. See the --win option in this page or just type 'omxplayer -h'
You might end up with a Script command like this:
Code: Select all
systemcommand:/usr/bin/omxplayer arg:--win arg:100,100,800,600 arg:"/opt/Sintel.2010.720p.mkv"
I just wanted to 'early' share this to understand your opinions if this is a valuable functionality or not.