
Ask a generic question about the usage of QLC+, not related to a particular operating system
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Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Nov 19, 2024 6:43 pm
Real Name: Jan Luecker

Hello, I have a question about the sliders in playback mode. I would like to activate the rotation of a moving head with a slider. For example, I want the rotation to be stopped when the slider is down and when I move it up the rotation starts and when I move it further up the rotation speeds up.
Thank you very much
Posts: 127
Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:24 pm
Real Name: Vladimir

I am not sure. But maybe connect your Slider with a channel, which change speed of moving of your moving head. For that use:
Properties of Slider - Level point on the top- make point for this channel of your fixture.
Excuse me, if I am not right. Best regards
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:12 am
Real Name: Vandendriessche Pierre


What you are searching is what i could call a "multi-function slider".
2 cases :
case A : the projector have, in its internal behavior, this multi channel ability you want.
Then you don't have much to do excepting using this specific channel.

case B : The projector doesn't have this ability and what you want is to "create", using QLC+, this ability on one slider.
You have 2 possibilities. one is easier than the other :-D

Possibility 1 : Slider's Cue
Create a Cue. The cue have a special "multi-functional specific to cue slider" available into its properties tab "side fader" then select radio-button called "steps". you will have to add the steps you want for your motor.
a tutorial is given by Massimo into its video tutorial : see at video-time 18:42.
maybe you will have to add 255 steps to do what you need or you find an easier way.

Possibility 2 : Use a heavy trick.
you will have to trick/cheat. And the trick is heavy.
The trick i used :
the "multi-function slider" activate 3(for example) "dummy dimmers" at the same time from 0 to 100%.
Each "dummy dimmers" have a different mapping (see image) :
from 0 to 100% of slider, the first dummy dimmer could activate only during the 33 first % whereas the second could activate after 33%.
after that configured, the output of dummy dimmer's is recopied to the real DMX universe on wanted channel(s).


I have provided a example for you to try and modify for your motor's needs.
you can find it here :
(13.07 KiB) Downloaded 17 times
This example use one slider with 3 steps :
slider from 000% to 033% => red channel 1 goes from 0 to 255%
slider from 033% to 066% => green channel 2 goes from 0 to 255%
slider from 066% to 100% => blue channel 3 goes from 0 to 255%

you will maybe have to add one more step to invert the signal depending on the direction of your motor. this can be done on inverting a slider.

the trick is a bit heavy but if you manage to do so and you really need it...

I think what you want could be an improvement to QLC+, but it's not so easy to implement and to render without losing some user in the move except if well documented and intuitively displayed.

Have fun.
2024-11-21 06_04_57-Q Light Controller Plus - C__QLC+4_example_multifunction_slider.qxw.png
Last edited by paleolas on Thu Nov 21, 2024 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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