2D viewer vs. 3D viewer position missmatch/alignment

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Real Name: Maarten


Unsure if it is an issue or me making the wrong assumptions.
Basically I created an XLS file to build a matrix of lights (rows/columns), and to get all lights easily aligned within those rows/columns.
Works like a charm if you know what fields to play around with :-) --> If you don't, use the UI of QLC+...

BUT, now I noticed that the 2D viewer shows a different alignment compared to my 3D view.
Compare 1 and 2 in the 2D and the 3D viewer; you will see different spacing/alignment. Same goes for 3 and 4.

As expected.
Not corresponding.
Could it be that the origin of an object in 2D and 3D are different?
Or is something else causing the different representation?

Code: Select all

 <Monitor DisplayMode="0" ShowLabels="0">
   <Grid Width="4" Height="3" Depth="6" Units="0" POV="1"/>
   <FxItem ID="0" InvertedPan="True" XPos="1113" YPos="1490" ZPos="613"/>
   <FxItem ID="1" InvertedPan="True" XPos="2713" YPos="1490" ZPos="613"/>
   <FxItem ID="2" InvertedPan="True" XPos="1513" YPos="1840" ZPos="1613"/>
   <FxItem ID="3" InvertedPan="True" XPos="2313" YPos="1840" ZPos="1613"/>
   <FxItem ID="4" InvertedPan="True" XPos="1113" YPos="1840" ZPos="2963"/>
   <FxItem ID="5" InvertedPan="True" XPos="2713" YPos="1840" ZPos="2963"/>
   <FxItem ID="6" XPos="1511" YPos="1637" ZPos="611" XRot="50"/>
   <FxItem ID="7" XPos="1911" YPos="1637" ZPos="611" XRot="50"/>
   <FxItem ID="8" XPos="2311" YPos="1637" ZPos="611" XRot="50"/>
   <FxItem ID="9" XPos="1111" YPos="1987" ZPos="1611" XRot="45"/>
   <FxItem ID="10" XPos="1911" YPos="1987" ZPos="1611" XRot="45"/>
   <FxItem ID="11" XPos="2711" YPos="1987" ZPos="1611" XRot="45"/>
   <FxItem ID="12" XPos="1911" YPos="1987" ZPos="2961" XRot="40"/>
   <FxItem ID="13" XPos="1911" YPos="1987" ZPos="3611" XRot="35"/>
   <FxItem ID="14" XPos="770" YPos="1650" ZPos="670" XRot="60" YRot="-30"/>
   <FxItem ID="15" XPos="3170" YPos="1650" ZPos="670" XRot="60" YRot="30"/>
   <FxItem ID="16" XPos="1170" YPos="2000" ZPos="2420" XRot="60" YRot="-30"/>
   <FxItem ID="17" XPos="2770" YPos="2000" ZPos="2420" XRot="60" YRot="30"/>
   <FxItem ID="18" InvertedPan="True" XPos="625" YPos="1500" ZPos="600"/>
   <FxItem ID="19" InvertedPan="True" XPos="3025" YPos="1500" ZPos="600"/>
   <FxItem ID="20" InvertedPan="True" XPos="625" YPos="1850" ZPos="1600"/>
   <FxItem ID="21" InvertedPan="True" XPos="3025" YPos="1850" ZPos="1600"/>
Update 28/10: Updated title to correct typo.
That dude that enjoys the lightshow more than the actual concert :-) . Beginner QLC+ user.
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In v5 the 2D view has several point of views that you can set via "3-lines" menu on the top right part of the 2D preview
You are probably comparing a top view with a front view
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:07 pm
Location: Belgium / Gent
Real Name: Maarten

Just checked your assumption/suggestion.
Don't think it's related to that based on what I see on-screen.
3D (changed to rockstage to demonstrate axis):
That dude that enjoys the lightshow more than the actual concert :-) . Beginner QLC+ user.
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