Nanlite PavoTube T8-7X

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Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2024 6:52 am
Real Name: Damien

Hello everyone,

I am a complete beginner in qlc+. I have 4 Pavotube T8-7X (Nanlite). My final goal is to connect them via dmx and make them light up in rhythm with music.
My dmx interface is the Enntec Dmx usb Pro.

In Qlc+, the fixture did not exist, so I created it. Here are the images.

But nothing happens once I am in the function or console tab. Just a white light comes on...

I must have configured something incorrectly, thank you very much. for your help
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If you use the Fixture Validator (, it will tell you that you need to create at least one Mode.

Furthermore your channels 1, 3 and 4 are all set as Intensity. This way you leave it to QLC to decide which of the the three is your Master Level channel. You need to be more specific (= change 3 and 4).

If you want your Fixture to show up in the 2d Monitor you need to set the dimensions as well.
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Real Name: Damien

Thanks for the answer.
I found out that the problem is with my Pavotube Nanlite T8-7X.
You would have to give them a dmx address from what I understood.
I have a dmx interface: enttec dmx usb pro.
It's too complicated for me, I can't figure it out.
There is no menu in the tubes.
It looks like I need to use software. I tried dmx control.
I need help !
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here you can find the manual. I only skimmed over it quickly but it says you should be able to set the DMX address via a DMX/RDM control board (I doubt QLC+ can do this, though), or via their smartphone control app.

Sorry I can't spend more time on this now, but it looks to be too cool a fixture to give up so early ;-)
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