Color Fx

Ask a generic question about the usage of QLC+, not related to a particular operating system
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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:06 am
Real Name: David van Rooijen


My idea is to have a menu to select a base color and a different one to select a secondairy color, then with a different menu i can select if the second color shows on 1/1, 1/2 or 1/4 fixtures, and with a seperate button i can 'move' the color(kinda like a GO button), this explanation is probably a little bit vague so i'll drop in a pdf with a sketch virtual console layout and a 'fixture monitor' with how its supposed to look.

my question is is this possible to do on qlc+ and so yes, then how. I've used on hog4 in a small venue where they had a hog available and i want to recreate the effect to my school stage but i dont know how to do it. if there are questions on what i mean please ask them and i'll try to explain it as best as possible.

David van Rooijen
Color Fx explanation.pdf
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A bunch of scenes and a chaser.
Using an RGB matrix (or multiple for the different effects you want) is also a solution.
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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