Multiple color scenes for different groups

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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:54 pm
Real Name: Ward Verduyn

I have a (basic) question. I have some VBar's and I created color scenes for these. I have scenes that apply colors to all VBar's, I have scene's that apply color to odd and even, I have scene's that apply to left and right, etc. I created button matrices in the Virtual Console, and set them to solo, so now I can only select one color at the time for all the odd VBar's for example. I now want to be able to choose, if I apply for example red to the odd ones and blue to the even ones but afterwards I select green for all fixtures, then it applies it on top of the already set colors for the odd and even ones. How can I make sure when I apply a color to all fixtures, the applied color for odd & even is not applied anymore?
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This behavior asks for a LTP-strategy. The Latests value sent will Take Precedence. If you press the odd/even scene and then you select the all color, the all color will become active and the odd/even will stop.
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