bad patch confusion

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when you patch generic dimmers it easily happens that the fixtures will have the same name, this "confuses" v5,
steps to reproduce:
. patch no.2 dimmers
Screenshot from 2024-04-14 11-23-34.png
. delete dimmer #1
Screenshot from 2024-04-14 11-23-53.png
. patch other 2 dimmers
Screenshot from 2024-04-14 11-24-57.png
. group list now shows a bad selection and it's prone to bad actions like renaming the wrong fixture etc. etc.
Screenshot from 2024-04-14 11-24-57.png
as you can see from the picture,
group list shows dimmer address @2 selected, in 2D view I've selected the new added dimmer, dmx @4.
Last edited by giacomo on Mon May 13, 2024 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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the issue is more serious:
1. just insert some fixtures,
2. reinsert again the same fixtures, eg. as a second bar of fixtures
>> the last fixtures are not listed in 2d View, Fixture Groups, reloading the file do not solve the problem.
>> when you select eg. fixture #5, it shows as selected fixtures #1, etc. etc., when you've many fixtures and you're not aware of it, you're easily going to make mistakes if working with groups.
patch confusion.png
while you're here, try to locate the mac aura please, for me they do not show any clue about the intensity and color used, or beam, either in 2d and 3d views
patch confusion.qxw
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I'm checking this one.
First thing to notice is that v4 has the same numbering behavior
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