Moving Head movements affect dimmer channel

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I am trying to keep colors and positions separate so I can mix&match them for songs as required. F.ex. I have a scene “heads down” which should only tilt the moving heads to point straight down and another scene “heads white” which should only affect color and intensity / dimmer

My expectation would be that if I first call the scene “heads white”, the should stay in their current position and turn white and if I call the scene “heads down” they stay white and move down.

My obseravation is that all dimmer channels are switched to 0 although the dimmer channel is not active for the scene “heads down”.

Is that an intended behaviour (and if so, can i change it) or am I doing something wrong?

Last edited by crispy71 on Wed May 08, 2024 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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How are you "calling" your scenes?. Can you share your project?
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Your workflow seems legit to me. Only concern I have are why the values out of scope, gets activated.
A look into your showfile would help debugging.
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the project is on GitHub:
The project name is ThePact.qxw.
The scenes are called from a chaser: ... sp=sharing

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As a general rule, don't mix inputs and outputs in the same universe... this could lead to strange behavior. So create a 2nd universe for your inputs.

In the Heads-down scene, for 24 Mac250+ #2, you have set hard values for color, intensity and position... there you have it.
In the Heads-up scene the same goes for 20 Tourspot (91)
I don't have the fixtures with me but looking at the Heads-White scene, so weird stuff is going on also...

I think this problem can be denoted as an operator error.
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@GGGss - nicely put, an operator error, haha :-)

I am not sure if it is an operator error really but yes, the project is work in progress and some of the scenes are not yet cleaned up. I got stuck in the process of doing exactly this when I encountered this problem. However, you asked for the project file so I shared it. Let me do one thing: I simplify the problem by just creating one fixture and two scenes in a fresh project. Pretty sure the problem will persist but it's worth giving it a shot. So I will continue this thread after I created and tested it.

Thanks for your engagement anyway, it is good to have an active user community. That motivates me to continue trying :pray:

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you were right, in a simplified project everything works as expected. Thanks for guiding me to the right track.

One last question:
don't mix inputs and outputs in the same universe... this could lead to strange behavior. So create a 2nd universe for your inputs.
Can you please explain what you mean by that? I don't have any inputs other than a midi controller - if I have more inputs, from where can I see it?

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Fredje meant that you should not mix inputs and outputs in one universe.

Use one universe for dmx output and another for midi controller.

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