1 Audio trigger outpus 1 and 4 beat triggering

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i created this test project to familiarize myself how the audio trigger works. I didn't want to fill my screen with audio triggers to everything as I have 10s of sequences and chasers all using beat detection to move forward. And some are 4 beats and some 16 and so on.

Little tricky but I managed to do it. Attached is the example test project having 4 sequences total. 2 sequences are running on each beat and 2 sequences are running every 4th beat.
There is 5th sequence that is used only to calculate beats so this can easily modified to for example having 1,4,8,16,32 beat detection all from 1 audio trigger.

Way it's working is
1) Audio coming to audio trigger that has target of one cue list on every beat. That cue list is having 1 virtual dimmer going from 0 to 255 to back 0 every beat (2steps, 1ms and infinity) and other virtual dimmer doing same every 4th beat
2) those virtual dimmers are used as next cue in other sequences.

Any comments? Is there a way to do this easier? Thanks!

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sorry to reply to such an old thread, but this is very similar to the functionality I wanted to do myself using audio triggers.

Can someone please help me understand how this is counting the beats?

My goal is to flash my PARs this way:
Flash red at every beat (I have already accomplished that using a simple audio trigger)
Flash green at every 4th beat (How do I do that?)

Thanks for your help!

Just a hobbyist 8-)
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To help you understand the behind:
create a chaser with 3 dummy steps; the 4th one is your green scene...
Have a look at the timer widget. You can tap the beat (and let it send the hold time to the chaser).
Start with this, and then we will show you how the audio widget can send its pulses to the tap button of the audio widget. (This involves a generic dimmer in a loopback universe.)
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ok just for reference of someone else looking in the future, I made it work. See attached file.
Resources used to make it work
https://www.qlcplus.org/old/docs/html_e ... ntrol.html

I see no need for a loopback, at least not yet.

BTW the beat detection algorithm in QLC+ does not seem to be fast enough, it misses a lot of beats :-(
Beats+Highs lights Set 2.qxw
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Just a hobbyist 8-)
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